Set Up.

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Mj, Kate, me, and Ned make it back to my room. We begin to watch the lorax AGAIN. Thankfully someone knocks in the door saving us from boringness.

"Come in!" I yell. Clint walks in.

"Hey kate i need you, its about king pin." She nods at him and walks out of my room following him.

"Finally! No more lorax." Ned sighs in relief.

"You guys wanna head to my lab?" i ask them. They all nod and i shut off my tv. We all walk down a hall making our way to the lab. I unlock the door and let them in. Mj goes to sit on a seat.

"Whats this?" She asks.

"Oh that was a project me and miles were working on last night." I tell her.

"Whats it about?" She picks up the piece.

"Becareful! And its basically a hologram of anyone you could want it to be." I pick up a screwdriver before picking up a device already placed in front of me.

"Okay okay jeez.." she stops. "So if can like hologram...ANYONE!?" she asks.

"Well not yet, but me and him are working on it." I swallow a lump in my throat knowing why im working on that. "Hey ned can you work on the suit button for me?" I ask.

"Yeah sure." He sits down a table. He gets to work while i work on this device.

"And what are you working on?" mj asks.

"Well if you must know its gonna be device built into my suit so i can hear police chatter, basically it makes me know every crime i should be at." I say. She nods in response. I pull out my laptop putting some codes in, seeing what works into the device and what doesnt. I see kate walk in.

"Hey kate-" mj goes to speak but gets cut off.

"What the hell are you doing mj?!" Kate says shouting.

"Woah woah woah..whats going on. And can we please quiet down?!" I walk over to them.

"Mj over here went to go help norman!" Kate says to me.

"Norman? As in Norman Osborn?!" Ned gets up walking over to us.

"Yep! That one! The one that killed her boyfriend! So tell me mj. Why the hell are you working with a murderer?!" Kate snaps at her.

"Katie please calm down. Lets just let her explain." I stand in front of kate.

"Fine. You better be quick." Kate says.

"Mj..why were you working with him?" I turn around facing her.

"I-...He told me..that if i helped him, he'd bring peter back." She looks down.

"Bull shit!" Kate shouts.

"Kate, love calm down so we can get to the bottom of this." I turn to her before turning around once again. "Mj we all know thats a lie. You know that Peter cant just rise up from the dead." All eyes are on her.

"Guys..its just my family and everything ya know?" Wait her family..her dad.

"Mj...did your dad actually get fired?" I ask putting the pieces together.

"I..." she goes silent.

"Holy shit." Ned figures it out.

"You were working with Mr.Osborn to help your dad keep his job!" I shout. "You set peter up! Didnt you!?" I shout at her. "You knew we were going to the factory that night! " i Begin to realize everything.

"Thats why he attacked your apartment!" Ned says. "Mj told him where you lived!"

"! I just..this is all a mistake." She stutters.

"My brother trusted you!" I yell at her face.

"We trusted you mj!" Ned looks at her.

"Guys..please. Im- im..sorry." She gets overwhelmed.

"I cant believe you!" Kate yells.

"Jarvis get Mr.Rogers down here stat." I yell into the room.

"Well do ms.parker." Jarvis replies.

"Guys please dont! I cant go to jail. It was a mistake! It wasnt me." She tries to tell us. None of us listen. After a few minutes Mr.Stark comes through the door.

"Hey y/n? You okay?" He asks.

"Peter was set up." I say.

"What do you mean?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"Mj here. Peters girlfriend. Set my brother up." I reply.

"How- how do you know this?" He asks.

"Mjs dad worked at oscorp, but when the spider bit y/n and peter mj told us her dad got fired. But he didn't actually get fired, mj lied since she helped Mr.Osborn so her dad can keep her job!" Kate explains.

"Thats why he knew where my apartment was. She told him! Cap she knew we were going to that factory that night. Thats why Mr.Osborn called his friends right?" I say.

"Mj is this true?" he asks her.

"Sir..i-..i just. Its just a mistake." She begins to fiddle with her fingers.

"Mj please come with me." Mr.Rogers takes mj somewhere.

"I cant believe that just happen." Ned says mind blown.

"Hey kate?" I try to get her attention.

"Yeah?" She asks putting her head on my shoulder since im leaning on a table.

"How did you know mj was working with Mr.Osborn?" I ask.

"Well actually i didnt. Clint did, he kept tabs on you and Peter, but when he saw peters girlfriend he knew something was up so he followed her around a bit." She explains.

"I cant believe this is happening." I sigh. Kate kisses my cheek.


Guysss start commenting on these stories i love yalls funny comments. They got me crackin up at 4Am. Also MJ WHAT...

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