First Night.

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I walk into the tower. Walking towards the elevator. Damn they do have hella security. I think to myself. Mr.Stark presses number 22 and it takes us up. The elevator dings and we both walk out.

"Welcome to the stark tower." I look around in awe.

"Holy shit-" i get cut off.

"Language." Cap walks up to me. "Hi y/n." He shakes my hand.

"Hi" I shake his hand.

"Before we talk i wanna say im sorry for what happened to peter." He apologizes.

"Thank you." I reply. Cap and Mr.stark sit me down.

"Okay so first, rules. No parties,-" Cap gets cut off.

"Actually steve scratch that." Tony speaks up. Steve looks at him weird.


"Cap we have parties here every night." Tony protests.

"But there 17 they shouldnt be having parties."

"Okay well what if they want to have there friends over." I zone out not hearing anything else. All they do is chatter chatter chatter. They act like a married couple.

Guys! I dont need to throw a party!" I interrupt whoever was speaking.

"Yes. Sorry." They clear their throats embarrassed. Oh this is gonna be one hell of a ride.


"Okay so this is your room." Tony and Cap walk my towards it.

"This is nice. Thank you again Mr.Stark." I shake his hand.

"Of course. We will talk about the avengers tomorrow since its getting late. Oh and another thing. Your aunt said she wanted to bury Peter, the whole funeral is on me. like to go?" He asks.

"I'll think about it." I look down. Your probably saying 'what a shit sister.' Im not a bad sister, well actually i am. We wouldnt be in this mess if it werent for me. I just dont know if i could handle myself at the funeral. I sigh and walk into the room. It was nice spaciest for a 17 year old, a big ass bathroom. Damm you Mr.Stark. I start putting some of my clothes in my closet before someone knocks. "Come in." I yell out a little. Mr.Stark peeps his head through. I look at him.

"One more thing, press that red button when your alone." He says before dipping fast. Well im alone now so? I press the button making a suit come out of the wall. It was set up on a manikin perfectly displayed. Holy fucking shit. They suit looked perfect. It was black, blue, and red. It had some sliver gribs on the wrist. The lends were perfect.

"Thank you Mr.Stark." I mumble to myself smiling. I press the button again making it go back into the wall. I quickly put up some band posters, sports posters, and (your favorite avenger) posters. The room looked perfect. I stood there proudly. "Oh shit i almost forgot. I rush over to my bad pulling out a picture frame. "Perfect." There sat a picture of me and peter at our favorite basketball teams game. I put it by my night stand. I decide to put up more photos, like me,ned,mj,kate, & peter. Some of me and may. Since it was getting late i decide to sleep since it was the more ideal thing to do.
Holy shit this bed is a cloud. I plug my phone into one of the many plugs. I shut off my light drift into sleep. How did everything happen so fast?


And THE SUIT......


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