"And i'd thought you would be better.."

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I was swung back to aunt mays. Laying down just relaxing, I hear someone knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I ask as I keep my eyes on my phone.

"May." The voice says. I groan as I get up unlocking the door.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Kates here." Aunt may says. I sigh trying not to get mad.

"Why would you let her in?" I try to stay calm.

"She looks so sad!" Aunt may protests. I shake my head in disappointment.

"I'll be out in a minute." I close the door sighing. "This bitch wont leave me the fuck alone." I mumble as a I put a shirt on. I walk out of my room seeing kate on the couch. "What do you want." I say plainly.

"Y/n, please I just wanna talk." She begs.

"You got.." I check my watch which was Peters before. "..4 minutes." I sit on the couch quite far from her.

"Y/n listen please, it was all a mistake. I didnt know what I was doing. Please, y/n. I just want you. Only you." She says with tears in her eyes.

"You know what I want?" I ask.

"What do you want? Anything." She pleads.

"I want you to get the fuck out." I smile at her before getting up and going back to my room. I see her try to follow me so I slam my door on her. Now to deal with the son. I say to myself. I take off my clothes revealing the suit. I web the door locked before jumping out the window swinging away.


I overlook his apartment seeing him laying on the couch. I will admit, I play joe goldberg quite well. Focus idiot. I snap out of my own head. I see him go on his phone being distracted. I slowly climb onto his building wall going into his window. I slowly come up behind him. He sees me in the reflection of phone making him get up and turn around quickly.

"Sp-spider bite?" He says quite scared.

"Is that what they call me know?" I ask.

"No way. Its actually you." He smiles. "W-why are you here?" He asks straightening up.

"For this." I walk up to him acting like im gonna give him a hug but punching him square in the jaw. He knocks out cold. I drag his body onto the couch sitting him up. I grab him by the throat picking him up. He immediately becomes conscious as he starts trying to hit me.

"Put him down." A familiar voice says. I slowly turn around seeing a bow pointed at me.

"Oh hey katie, come to join the party?" I ask smiling at her. I take off my mask not giving a shit if harry sees me. I throw harry by his throat at kate. "You know..you too really deserve each other." I dust off my hands.

"I dont know what's happened, but this is not you y/n." Kate says. "..but I still love you." She continues.

"Is that why you have your arrow pointed at me?" I ask smiling at her.

"This is for your own good, lets just talk y/n." She gulps.

"I dont wanna talk no more kate." I sigh looking around.

"Just come back with me to the avengers tower y/n." Kate says.

"To what? Talk." I ask tilting my head at her.

"Please dont make me do this y/n." She says as water fills her eyes.

"I'd like to see you try kate." I smile at her. "Well see you around." I wave bye before turning around. I feel my tingle go off, I turn around grabbing the arrow. I break it in half using my knees. "And I'd thought you would be better than that katie." I wink at her before leaping out the window, swinging away.


I sit at the dinner table eating some steak aunt may made for me, I get a text from ned.

Computer man 🔋

"Hey you alright y/n?"

"Perfectly fine ned."

"Just checking in. Since you were
in a bad mood."

"Im good."

I shut off my phone Continuing to eat my steak. I see aunt may watching the news.

"Whats up may?" I ask as I eat the food.

"Apparently, that spider thing broke into harry osborns apartment." She says silently.

"What?!" I shout standing up.

"Yeah..maybe you should check in with him." Aunt may looks at me.

"Maybe I should.." I mumble. I run out the front door, I take my clothes off revealing the suit once again. As much as the suit hurts, it feels so good. This raging feeling I always have inside of me. I begin to swing away. If he rats me out im killing him no question. I think to myself. As im swinging I hear some noises, I sit on the edge of a building listening for a familiar sound.

"Can the spider hero come out to play?" The voice echos. Here we go.

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