Late Nights.

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Me and Peter walk into the apartment tired. We see aunt may watching a tv show.

"Hey may? What are you watchin?" I ask as i set my keys down on the counter.

"Oh just some judge judy." She smiles at me. I swear when doesnt she watch that? I laugh to myself. "Oh and if your hungry i made some pasta, its in the fridge." My spider ass always be hungry i take out the pasta and eat it cold.

"Thanks may." I smile at her. I take the pasta into my room. I place it down on my desk before changing into some pjs. Its only 8pm. I think to myself. I start up my monitor and remember i have some homework to do.


About an hour later i get done and go onto my phone, I finished the pasta but leave the bowl on my desk. I click on my contacts pressing in kates.


"Hey love, im dying of boredom wanna FaceTime?" i press send.

"Yes i miss you."


I click onto her contact calling her. It immediately answers.

"Hi." She says smiling.

"Hello love. Also you do realize we seen each other like..3 hrs ago?" I say chuckling.

"3 hours too long!" she tells me in defense.

"Whatever you say." I put my hands up.

"What did you eat?"

"Pasta that aunt may made. What about you?"


"You ate them with pickles correct?"

"No. We are not having this conversation again!"

"Katie..katie..katie. Pickles are the best part of it!!"

"Your so weird i swear!"

"Says the one who thinks blue is a better flavor than red." I scoff.

"Stop being mean!"

"Okay! Okay. Im sorry." I give her a small smile. "But red is just better!" I add on laughing.


After an hour and half me and kate both agree to go to sleep to wake up for tomorrow. Plus i have the mission tomorrow to take care of. I plug my phone in trying to get some shut eye. I try my hardest but cant seem to fall asleep. Its been 30 minutes now and i just cant seem to sleep. I put on my suit that i washed since i got a lot of blood on it. I put on my mask as i open my window. I leap out swinging towards the city. Once i get to the main part of new york i swing to the roof of the One World Trade Center building. What a beautiful view. I think to myself. I sit there feet dangling until i give out. I dont wanna go home, but i want to be with kate. Maybe i should swing over to her house? Shes probably sleeping y/n. Well too bad. I jump up the roof, i begin swinging to my girlfriends house. About 20 minutes later i arrive. I see her laying in her bed but facing the other side. I give a little knock in the window. She turns around and looks at the window.

"Hmm- SHIT!" Her eyes widen. She puts her hand over her heart. "Y/n?" She groans out.

"Hi katie." I take off my mask.

"What are you doing here? And never ever do that again! I legit got a heart attack!" I laugh.

"I-im bored..and i missed you so..might as well right?" i give her followers that i picked up on the way here.

"Its 11pm parker, and your giving me followers?" She laughs.

"That is correct, bishop." I smile at her.

"Cmon." I take off my suit and she leads me towards the bed. She lays on top of me, her head on my chest.

"I love you." I kiss her forehead.

"I love you more." She says sleepy. After a while i hear slight snores coming from her. My eyes are still open not wanting to shut. I hold kate while trying to sleep, which does not work.

Finally after 30 minutes i finally was able to sleep comfortably holding kate. Probably one of the best sleeps I ever had.


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Short one. So now what are we thinking? Is someone gonna die. Or am i tricking you guys and no ones gonna die LOL. I guess yall will find out right?

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