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I wake up at 4am to my phone going off. Luckily kate didnt hear. I sneak out bed putting on some jackets and pants. I put on another jacket since it was cold outside. I put on some sneakers and grab my essentials. You might be asking 'y/n why arent you in bed with kate, where are you going?!' I am going to neds house, in which were all gonna meet up. Mj, me, and ned. I knock on neds door with my hands in my pocket due to the cold. He opens it and welcomes me in. I see Mj already there sitting on the sofa. I sit by her awkwardly.

"How's everyone holding up?" I break the silence.

"Doing my best." Ned clears her throat.

"Mj?" I look at her. She just shrugs before breaking down.

"I..i cant do it." She shakes her head covering her face with her hands. Me and ned go into for a group hug. She hugs back clinging onto us. After a minute she lets gonand we go back in our positions.

"Its gonna be okay mj. We'll get through it." Ned says.

"I cant ned."

"Yes you can mj-" i get cut off by my phone ringing. "One sec." They both nod and i pick up the phone.

Incoming call from:


Accept   Decline

I press accept and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello y/n?" Kate says in a sleepy voice.

"Hey love whats up?" i ask.

"You just werent in bed, are you okay?"

"Yeah im fine, i gotta go though. I'll explain everything when i get back to the tower, ok?"

"Okay. Just hurry back its cold."

"I will. I love you."

"I love you more." I hang up sighing. I turn back to the group as i put my phone back into my pocket.

"Wanna go out for sandwiches?" I offer them. They all nod. We pick up our jackets and head outside, we decide to walk enjoying the cold morning. We walk into the sandwich shop.

"Hello welcome!" The cashier greets us. We all smile at her. We pick out of sandwiches before paying. I end up paying because we couldnt stop arguing about whos gonna pay.

"I should have payed that!" Mj says to me and ned.

"No it should have been me." Ned says as we walk out of the store eating.

"Guys guys guys! Its too late." I chuckle a bit.

"Yeah okay." Mj rolls her eyes.

"So ned..i was thinking..and mj you can come too if you want, i know ned your a big tony stark stan, so if you guys want would you want to like maybe come over?" I ask weirdly.

"No way!? Yes! I would love to!!!" Ned starts freaking out.

"Yeah that sounds fun. I need to be distracted anyway. What time?" Mj says.

"How about..right now?" i offer. Ned and Mj both look at each other before turning their heads to me once again.

"Really?!" Ned asks as his eyes widen.

"Yep." I nod smiling at them. We then start walking towards the tower after finishing out sandwiches.


We finally arrive after a long but needed walk. I get to the front of security.

"Who are you?!" A guy in a black suit asks.

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