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After me and kate took a shower she needed to get some stuff from the avengers tower. I decided to come with her since i would be bored, and she would take forever. We get out of my bmw and go pass security. We go up into the elevator before stopping at fhe main floor. Kate goes into her room so i follow.

"Were gonna be here for a bit i got to pack some stuff okay?" She asks me cupping my face.

"Okay." I reply putting my hands on her waist. We both lean in kissing her each other making out. She pulls away though making me whine.

"I have to get my stuff." She giggles out.

"Why do that when you can make out with mee?" I stretch out the e.

"No i have to-" i cut her off by picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder. I throw her onto the bed making her giggle. "Y/n i have to-AHHHH" i flop on top of her making her scream. "Owwww." She grips her rips laughing. I begin to remove her hands from her ribs and kiss her stomach. "Y/n i have work to do." She tells me sternly.

"Beep boop beep? Did i ask?" I come face to face with kate.

"I'll be quick i promise."

"Thats what she said." I wink at kate.

"And whos she?" Kate asks.

"My girlfriend." I reply as i start attacking kates neck.

"Y/n please- i need to go." She tried not to laugh.

"Fine do your little work ms.hawkeye." I get off of her and she gets up.

"Finally." She grabs her paperwork and i go on tiktok just watching videos. She leaves the room too go meet clint in the meeting room. My eyes were focused on tiktok until something catches my eye. I see something by the curtains.

"What the hell is that.." i mumble to myself. I groan as i get up and set my phone down. I walk over to the window bending down to see what it is. "What the fuck." I pick up a opened condom. It's probably just mine. I scoff at myself. But we didnt do nothing in her room yet. "What the fuck?!" i say out loud. "Whos is this?" A million reasons run through my head. Theres no way, she wouldnt. Or would she? I drop the condom running out of her room and grabbing my phone. I run towards the security systems and remember i cant access it. I run to mr.starks lab since hes always in there.

"Kid? I thought you were-"

"Mr.stark i need too see the security cameras." I pant since i ran so faat over here.

"Okay.." he drops is screw driver on the table and we walk over to the security system. "What do you need to see?" He asks.

"You know theres that camera that can see who comes out and in of kates room. Yeah that one." I reply.

"Okay.." he questions me but does it. The date goes back too the day i first entered the tower.

"That! That right there. Who the hells is that?!" I ask.

"Let me zoom in." Mr.Stark says. He clicks his mouse making it zoom and i see no one other than, harry osborn.

"Mother fucker!" i shout.

"Y/n whats going on?!" he questions.

"I found a condom in kates room and we havent done nothing in her room!" I yell.

"Was it wrapped or-"

"No! It was not. It was open. Like somebodys d-"

"Don't say it." He replies. "Kate has been acting weird." He says.

"Im gonna fucking kill him!" I yell and storm down to the meeting room. I open the door to see kate and clint talking.

"Hey babe whats the-" i cut her off.

"Dont fucking call me that!" Mr.stark comes running behind me.

"Y/n be mature about this trust me-"

"What the hell is going on?" Clint asks.

"I dont know clint! Why dont you ask the cheater right in front of you?!" I shout making everyone flinch.

"Cheater?! What do you mean-" i cut off kate again.

"I found an opened fucking condom in your room!" I shout at her.

"shit.." she mumbles to herself.

"Shit is right! Your a fucking liar!"

"Y/n we can figure this out later." Mr.stark says to me.

"I would have never done this too you! Never!" I shake my head. "It was too good to be true," i add on walking out of the meeting room slamming the door. I walk towards my car going to leave.

"Y/n wait! Let me explain!" Kate grabs my arm.

"No. Fuck you and him!" I yank my arm back. I unlock the car getting in.

"Y/n please it was a mistake!" Tears flood down her face.

"Your fucking dead to me." I say. I pull out of the garage leaving her there. After a few minutes i pull to the side of this random parking lot. "FUCK FUCK FUCK!" I bang my hands on the steering wheel. "Dammit." I begin to let a few tears down letting my head sit on my steering wheel. "I really need you peter." I sigh. What the fuck are you doing. Man the hell up and stop crying over this girl. I wipe my tears and take a breath. "I can do this." I pull out of the parking lot heading over to..harrys house.


Yall wanted the drama i bought the drama..and let me tell you, you guys are gonna love what happens for revenge!

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