The Morning.

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After 30 minutes of me and harry going at it, I hear aunt may call me.

"Hey harry i got to go i'll hop on later that cool?" I say to him.

"Yeah plus im hungry. See you." We both say goodbyes as i shut off my xbox. Once im done i run into the kitchen seeing aunt may with plates at the table.

"Peter! Foods ready!" He rushes out of his room ready to eat. We sit at our usual places and dig in. Man pancakes are so good. I hum in satisfaction.

"Aunt may these are amazing!" I say as i put whip cream in the pancakes.

"Yes! Best pancakes you could have possibly made." Peter buts in.

"Thank you guys. These are really good." She smiles at us. We all talk about where we are at in life, and decide to have a movie night.

"Okay what movie?" Aunt may asks as i flop onto the couch with popcorn.

"Ghostbusters!" I shout at the tv.

"Yes! Yes! Thats a good one!" Pete buts in.

"Of course you guys want to watch this, you always did when you were little kids." She looks at us both. Ahh a nice family movie night. She presses the play button and we watch the movie.


About 2 hours later the movie ends with aunt may and peter pasted out on the couch. I groan and get up as i place the popcorn bowl on the coffee table i put a blanket over both of them as they cuddle into each other. Wholesome moment. I laugh to myself. I put on some pjs and grab a glass of water. I down it before going back to my room and texting Kate.


"Goodnight hawkeye."

"Goodnight loverrrrrrrr." She responds.

"Listen to taylor huh?" I laugh.

"Yes i am, she is amazing."

"Fair. I love you." I promised myself to never take her for granted.

"I love you too :)."

I shut off my phone. I check the time and its around 9pm well i do got school tmrw. I prepare for bed. I brush my teeth flossing and washing my face. I flop onto the bed sighing. I slowly pass out as I hear the fan in my room running.


The next morning

I groan as i stretch my arm. Its 6am. I get up and wash my face. I brush my teeth as well. I pick out some clothes and shoes. I see Peter and aunt may still passed out. I decide to open my phone first.


"Good morning, love."

"Tooo early."

I laugh at her reply. I press on her contact pressing on facetime. She instantly answers.

"Well ello love." I say in a British accent.

"Good morning babe." She chuckles rubbing her eyes.

"Look at this." I walk out of my room turning the camera around. I point the camera to the couch showing aunt may and peter pasted out.

"Oh my gosh!" Kate starts giggling. "Wake them up y/n!" An idea pops into my brain.

"Okay whatever you say katie." I grab a cup of water before going over to the couch. I pour a little of it on Peters head.

"Wha-what the hell?" He sits up fast.

"Good morning to you pete." I look at him.

"What time is it?" He rubs his eyes.

"6:45. Go get ready kid." He rushes towards his bathroom.

"Y/n i didnt mean to poor water on them!" Kate shouts through the phone.

"Take a chill pill, love." I chuckle. I gently shake aunt may. She grunts but her eyes flutter open.

"Good morning may." I giggle out. I hand her some coffee.

"Thanks y/n. Oh hi kate!" Aunt may waves at kate. Kate waves back smiling.

"What time is it y/n?" May asks.

"Uh 6:50." I say. She slowly gets up as she walks to her room. "Well that was lame." I say as i flip the camera to me.

"Im going to get ready. I'll see you at school okay?" Kate says.

"Okay love you."

"I love you too." She hangs up and i put my phone in my pocket. I grab my backpack throwing it over one shoulder. I wait 30 minutes before peter is ready. Once he's ready we head to my car.

"Bye may!" I yell out. She comes rushing towards the door as she kisses both of our foreheads.

"Be safe!"

"Yes mam." Me and peter say at the same time, and then we head to my car ready for the day.


pls remember to voteee!
4 CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY?!!?? WHATTT?!?? ANYWAYSSSSSS. I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT: there will be a book 3 just after 10 more chapters in this book. So yeahhhh :)) this was a short chapter btw.

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