The Multi-Verse

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I make my way towards the first place me and steve jumped through the multi-verse. I run through the crowds of people finally reaching the place. I see strange, Mr.stark, and cap waiting.

"Y/n your here!" They rush over to me.

"Yeah whats going on?" I ask confused.

"The machine at our reality is spiking out of control. We have to get out of here fast!" Steve grabs my shoulder.

"Wait what-" I say confused.

"We have to go before its too late cmon!" Strange opens a portal. "Wait something is messing with it-" Strange gets cut off, the portal starts sucking us in,

"Shit!" Steve yells as he flies back into the portal.

"This is so not the right portal!" Mr.Stark shouts.

"You think?!" Me and Dr.strange say at the same time. We all each get sucked in.


To be continued on : Commitment

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