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Its been a month since the accident happen. Life would go on to get worse and worse.

"You couldnt save her. Thats why you dont belong on this team!" Tony shouts in my face.

"Your the reason shes dead, y/n. Why'd you let him out in the first place!?" Wanda yells.

"You dont belong here, or anywhere else. Why are you even here?!" Cap adds on.

I wake up sweating from another nightmare. I see may get up as I pant.

"Hey hey its okay?" She comforts me. I begin to shake. "Calm down, sweetheart." She hands me a glass of water. I down a few sips before putting it back on the nightstand. Ever since the accident I couldnt sleep alone. It was like someone was following me because of my actions. "You okay now?" May asks as she rests her hand on my chest. I simply just nod, not wanting to say a word. "Try and go back to sleep, alright?" May tells me. I nod again laying back down, however I was to afraid to fall asleep.


Its the next morning and I wake up to see no may in bed. Shit. I begin to panic. I get up peaking my head out the bedroom door. I see cap and and aunt may talking.

"Shes not getting any better steve." May tells him.

"I know, I know." Mr.Rogers sighs.

"These nightmares keep happening over and over again, and she wont tell me whats it about." May continues.

"She needs some space to grief. She just lost her brother and her girlfriend. We gotta be there for her." Steve hugs may.

"Your right." May hugs back.

"You gonna be okay?" Steve asks as he pulls away.

"Yes, thanks for stopping by."

"No problem. Keep us updated." Steve smiles as he walks out. Updated? I shrug it off going into the bathroom. I brush my teeth, combing my hair and all that other stuff. I walk out into the living room.

"Hey sleepy head." May smiles at me.

"Morning, may." I say back. "Im gonna go.." I grab my coat.

"You sure no breakfast?" May asks. I shake my head. Just as im about to go out the door may speaks up. "Y/n you cant keep going back there, thinking its going to help. Its just gonna make it worse." May says.

"Might as well try." I mumble as I pick up my keys leaving. I get in my broken down bmw driving towards the store. I grab two sets of flowers. I pay then get back in my car. I arrive at the place and grab the flowers. I walk down to where peter is. I kneel. "Hi..again. I dont really know what to say pete. I just need you more than ever, and I let both of you down. sorry. I really am. That was my fault, and as much as everyone says it wasnt..I know it was." I sigh looking down. "Here, I know you loved the color yellow." I smile as I place down dandelions onto peters gravestone. "I'll talk to you later, pete." I smile before getting up and walking off. I walk a little farther towards another one. I sit crossed legs looking at it. "H-hey love." My voice break with every word. "These are for you." I place down purple flowers. "I love you." I stand up overlooking her gravestone.

"It wasnt your fault y/n." A voice says from behind me.

"We both know that isnt true, steve." I reply. He steps closer standing next to me.

"Your angry and have every right to be, but where theres anger there is always pain underneath." Steve looks at me.

"I dont know what to do steve." I look at him.

"You have to take those brave baby steps, to try and find purpose again." Steve explains to me. "..I went in the ice in 45 after I met the love of my life, woke up 70 years later." He shrugs.  "You have to accept it y/n." He says looking down.

"How'd you deal with it after peggy?" I ask looking up.

"You gotta move on." He pats my back. I slowly nod. "You gotta move, on."


Steve took me back to the tower for the first time since it happened. Its changed a lot, honoring those we lost.

"Steve it happening!" Tony yells as we come up the stairs.

"I thought you said it wasnt for another month?!" Steve shouts as he runs over to tonys lab.

"I think with thors and y/ns lightning combination they are powering it up!" Tony smiles. "Wait..y/n?!" Tony looks up to see me. I smile at him. We runs over to me pulling me in for a hug. "Im so glad your back." He pulls away.

"Good to be back." I nod. "So whats going on?" I ask with my hands in my pocket.

"The multi verse is going on!" Tony yells smiling. "Okay..strange now!" Dr.strange opens a portal.

"It works!" Dr.strange yells.

"Yes!" Tony jumps around.

"Okay close it now!" Steve yells. Strange closes the portal.

"Steve we did it!" Tony hugs him.

"Yes now what are we going to do?" Steve chuckles.

"Heres what im thinking, and here me out. We plan a trip with all I gear hoping to find the stones in another reality-"

"Stones?" I ask confused.

"Its called the infinity stones,  basically its just bad luck." Tony explains. I nod.

"We get the stones from each dimension so if someone ever comes across them, we have  weaponing." Strange explains.

"Whos gonna go?" Tony asks.

"Thor or y/n has to go since they would need their lightning source to put up enough energy for a two way trip. Strange you have to do since you have the magic hand. And tony I feel like you deserve to go." Steve tells us.

"I think the leader should go to, cap." I but in. Tony and Strange agree. We all begin packing for the multi-verse. I cant believe this is happening, me going to the multi verse?!


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