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I wake up to noises in the kitchen. I groan in annoyance and check my phone. I see that kates still on facetime. I check the time and it turns out to be 2pm.

"Good morning." I say into my phone.

"Finally you wake up." She giggles out.

"Hey i had a good sleep." I defend myself.

"Yeah yeah whatever, what are you gonna eat?" she asks.

"you." I scoff to myself.

"What was that?" she says confused.

"Nothing! Nothing. I said uh..maybe like a burger? Or whatever aunt may makes." I save myself.

"Oh okay cool." She smiles at me. I take my phone into my bathroom talking to kate. I brush my teeth, comb my hair, floss, and wash my face. I have to take a shower.

"Hey kate ima call you back i gotta do something, love." I say to her.

"Okay i love you." She smiles into the phone.

"I love you too." She hangs up and i shut off my phone. I grab some clothes as well as a towel. I put them on the sink counter and shower. 30 minutes later i get out and dry off. I do whatever i need to do and put some clothes on. I put loose dark blue jeans on, and a white tee. I put on some all white converses. I walk out my room and smell some delicious food. "Aunt may?" I ask curiously.

"Oh hey y/n! Im making pancakes do you want some?" She smiles at me.

"Yeah i would love some." I smile back at her. "Do you need help?" I ask walking over to her.

"Uh no, but can you just get some eggs for me at the store?"

"Yeah of course." 

"Thank you y/n." I walk out with my wallet, keys, and phone. I walk down the stairs to my car and hop in.

"Hello y/n." A voice from my backseat says. My tingles didnt go off.


"Its just me!" I see appear.

"With all due respect captain, never do that ever again!" I place my hand over my heart.

"Okay okay im sorry, but i got some news on Mr.osborn." I groan in annoyance.

"What?" I ask.

"I got a tip saying hes at this abandoned factory." 

"Okay and?" I question him.

"And were planning on going there the on Tuesday." They day before the prom.

"So who's we?"

"Mostly just me, sam and bucky, and you and peter." I nod in response.

"Okay cool. What time?"

"11pm sharp. Thats when hes gonna least expect it. Especially if no one has found his factory yet." Captain says.

"Okay got it. Me and Peter will stake out at 10:30 then we'll bust the doors down at 11pm. Sound like a plan?" I ask the blonde guy in my backseat.

"Yes. Thank you again y/n. Your a good person." He smiles at me.

"Your an amazing one. Now please leave so i can get my aunt some eggs." I say to him turning my head.

"Oh yeah right sorry-"


I walk into the kitchen with eggs.

"Door dash for may parker?" I say smiling at her.

"Thank you y/n." She kisses my forehead before taking the eggs and going back into the kitchen. Man who knew pancakes could take so long to make. I shrug it off and knock on peters door.

"Come in!" I hear him say.


"Huh?" He keeps his eyes in his phone.

" said he got a tip that the goblin guy is at this factory, and that were gonna meet there on Tuesday 11pm sharp, but i said that we are gonna stake out at 10:30 just me and you." He looks up at me.

"Okay cool wheres it at?"

"This abandoned factory is gonna text me info." I say checking the time on my phone.

"Ok i'll be ready." I nod and walk out of his room. I walk back into my room hoping on my computer. Maybe i should play some fort. I see that harry's on and join his call.

"Hey harry." I greet him.

"Y/n! Whats up?"

"Nothing just bored. Hey how's your dad?"

"I dont know. He's off somewhere i dont really care tho, why?"

"Oh cause i heard about the oscorp building situation."

"Oh yeah, all i know is that they are rebuilding it. Isnt it crazy? Some guy in a green suit shows up and literally destroys my fathers work. Like cmon dude." You know whats crazy, that guy being your father.

"Yeah that is tho. Im sorry man."

"Its fine. Tryna play a few games?"

"You know it." We ready up waiting to get into a game.


dont forget to vote dudes!!
Alsoo what are we thinking?? Whats your guys predictions?

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