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My hand forms into a ball. I grab him by his suit making his hoverboard go crazy. I bash him into a walk over and over again.

"Thats more like it!" He has a wide grin at me. I yell in frustration. I knee him in the face making it bleed. I toss him on the ceiling making a dent. I let him fall before grabbing him by his hair like he did mine.

"You know the five stages of grief Mr.Osborn? Well im gonna add one more." I pant as i look at him. "Revenge." I throw him out of a window out of our apartment. I jump down grabbing him by the collar. Since he's laying down i punch him over and over again. I can tell hes exhausted. I drag his alive body down the street. I feel my tingle and back flip over the hoverboard doing a super hero landing. I let go of the goblin since i had to backflip. He disappears. "Dont be a coward!" I yell. "What you scared?!" I yell into the sky. I hear something, and i see a pumpkin bomb right next to my feet. It explodes making me fly into a brick wall. Oh he wants to play that game? "Come out! Your scared of a little spider bite?!" He appears behind me. "Cmon lets fight! You want a fight? Lets fucking fight!" I walk over to him. He hops off his hoverboard and i go one on one. I try to hit him with a right hook but he blocks leaving my ribs exposed so he punches me there. I web his hand pulling him closer to me and making him run into my fist. He gets up and smiles.

"Your weaker than peter." I immediately punch him in the stomach making him fly back. Once he lands i web him pull him towards me again. I spin around as i have two webs on him. I let go of the webs making him fly into a wall harder this time. I swing onto the building looking for him.

"You were always a coward!" I feel a punch making me fly back onto the streets again. He lands on the streets where i am. I run towards him at full speed. He dodges my tackle so i got for a punch but he blocks that. I keep throwing punches but im getting no where.

"No wonder your brother couldnt fight." He laughs. I finally tackle him to the ground. I get on top of the goblin punching him over and over again. My fists are bloody and so is my suit. I dont stop punching him at all. I yell as i punch him not stopping for no one, nor anything. I start giving him left and right punches combined. I feel my eyes water up as i keep killing this man. I have to stop, but i dont want to. I tirelessly keep punching him. I feel him one punch away from his breath stopping. I fight the urge to end him all today. I hold up my fist as i get ready to punch him. With all my power i punch the concrete street right beside his head. I let out a cry as i yell. I get up dragging his body down the street. I see iron man and the avengers show up. Kate looks at me before looking at normans body and putting her hand over her mouth.

"Hes alive." I mumble and confirm. I drop his body letting take over.

"Hey kid." Iron man yells out to me. I turn around to look at him as i walk away. "Swing by stark tower sometime will ya?" He offers.

"Maybe." I say as loud as i can. I begin to swing onto buildings before landing at mine and aunt mays broken apartment. I see her talking with the police outside. I sneak into my room since it was untouched and get out of my suit. I see the police officer talking to her and she just starts sobbing. I run over to her holding her. "w-what happened?!" I question.

"P-peter.." She mumbles into my shoulder. I sigh trying not to cry. I see kate run over to us still in her suit. She hugs me and aunt may both. After a minute aunt may walks away getting some stuff from the apartment before we move. Now its just me and kate.

"I almost killed him." I look at her.

"But you didnt y/n." She hugs me pulling me in by my neck. My arms wrap around her waist as i bury my head into her shoulder. We pull away and she speaks up. "Do you know where you guys are gonna go?" I shake my head. "You can always stay with me you know that right." I nod not wanting to speak a word right now. It was my fault he got killed, my fault he ended up in that situation. "Hey hey focus on me." Kate cups my cheeks making me look at her. I meet eye contact with her before kissing her. We get interrupting by someone clearing their throat. We pull away immediately. Holy shit its tony stark!

"H-hi mr.stark." I shake his hand.

"Hello y/n, or.." he flings his wrists doing the rock sign. Shit how does he know?

"W-what? What are you-" i panic.

"Y/n its okay mr.stark has changed." Kate looks at me with soft eyes.

"Shes right." Aunt may walks over to us. They both shake hands. Is mr.stark eyeing down my aunt? "Hello you must be may parker." He greets her.

"Yes, yes i am..whats going on?" She asks suspicious.

"I've overlooking y/n, and her amazing job in school. I would love to offer her a stark internship. Of course with your approve." Wait huh?!

"I dont know if i could do that just yet, i just lost my nephew and my house." Mays eyes water.

"I totally understand, but the thing with the stark internship is that y/n gets to stay at the stark tower and you can have a house paid off by my company." Mr.Stark offers.

"I dont know if i can just let y/n go i cant lose her, shes all i have left, will it even be safe there?!" May looks at me.

"Yes do not worry! Everything is safe tested and good. She could not good hurt at all, and i understand you not wanting to lose another person in your life, but please this is for her future for colleges." Okay wtf is going on? Im good in school, but not THAT good. Me and kate look at each other confused.

"If ifs for her future, then i will agree." May sighs.

"May you dont hav-" i get cut off.

"No y/n, this is a guarantee future for you thats what's important." She speaks over me. I simply just nod.

"Okay great! I will send you all the information and y/n get everything that you need. I nod and run up to the torn apartment. I grab my suit and a suit case. I pack all my clothes, my toothbrush, shampoo, combs, pictures of me and kate, pictures of me and Peter, all sort of stuff. I walk into peters half torn room. I grab some of his clothes as well as his watch. I take his phone with me, and get some pictures of him with everyone. I take his suit with me. I run out of the apartment with all my stuff, i see tony waiting for me with black car. I hop in and hes already in it. They drive off.

"What about may?" I ask confused.

"Oh her car already came." He smiles at me.

" know?" I say.

"Yes y/n. Im sorry for the events that happened at the airport, but im a changed man."

"Yeah..also thanks for letting me stay with you."

"Your welcome. Your now an avenger kid." He pats my back as we drive to the stark tower.


Im confirming next chapter were getting a new suit!!

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