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I swing to neds house and my stomach stops throbbing. I climb into his window and say hi before taking off the front of my suit. I already had a t-shirt and sports bra on so were good. I lift up my shirt a little too the part where it stung. I see my wound almost already gone and dried up blood. What the hell? These heal me faster?

"Hey ned." I say as i put my shirt down.

"Yeah?" He spins his chair around looking at me.

"Can you look up healing powers for me?" he immediately nods and starts typing.

"So i found out the scarlet witch has healing powers also. She can heal people with her powers i guess i dont really know, why do you ask?"

"I think..i heal fast." I say trapped in my mind.

"No fricken way! That is so cool!!" Ned shouts. All of a sudden peter knocks on the window scaring ned. Ned opens the window. "Peter dont do that!" he puts his hand over his heart.

"Yeah yeah whatever! Dude i took like a lot of damage today. Tell me why i feel fine and my cuts are start too heal already!" He says.

"Faster healing Peter i just figured it out." I say.

"No way!!! That is awesome!" He says smiling. I feel a vibration in my pocket. I see my phone going off.

25 missed calls from:


Oh shit. Im in trouble. I immediately press on her contact calling her back. It answers.

"K-kate?" I say scared.

"Y/n." She says back sternly.

"Y-yes love?" Im about to shit my pants.

"We need to talk come to my place at 5am sharp." She hangs up. Fucking hell. Shes gonna murder me. I put my phone back into my pocket.

"Anyways..ned what happened with this green goblin situation?" i sigh and turn around facing them.

"Okay so apparently mr.osborn is after you guys because the spiders that bit you, could've saved mr.osborns sons life." He replies.

"What? How do they know that the spider bit us?" peter asks.

"Peter think about it. Two spider people show up out of no where when the spider is found dead." I say to him.

"shit your right.." he thinks about it.

"Wait ned if it could've saved mr.osborns sons life why did he tell mr.watson to kill it?" I ask.

"Well i dont think they were actually gonna kill it in the first place. They were probably gonna make it private, less of the public knowing." He says back. I slowly nod my head sticking to every word he says.

"Nice job ned." I pat his back.

"Thanks." I check the time on my phone and see its 4am. I look around seeing peter exhausted on neds bed. I see ned still typing on his computer.

"Hey guys i gotta go to kates." I clear my throat.

"Okay be safe watch out for the green guy!" Peter says in which i nod.

"Yeah i'll be on a look out." I put my mask back on heading out neds window. I swing to kates keeping a low not wanting to have a headache all over again. I reach there about 4:16am. Its not bad to be early right? I knock on her window. Her eyes dart to the window just like when she found out i had super powers. I feel like this is happening all over again. Her mad at me. She unlocks the window as i climb into her room onto the ceiling. I fall onto the floor landing on my feet and take my mask off. I sigh.

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