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I wake up tired but still get up. I pull out my tooth brush from my bag and take with me into the bathroom. I see theres already toothpaste so i brush my teeth. I take a shower, and comb my hair. I dry my body before picking out some clothes. I take out some dark blue loose jeans, and a purple t-shirt kate gave me as a present. Man that girl color is obsessed with purple. I put on some socks and i slip on some low all black vans. I pick up my school bag and leave my room. I walk into the big ass living room before someone stops me.

"Hey hey kid where you going?" Mr.Stark asks as he eats his breakfast.

"School?" I question.

"Oh no school for a week due to respect in your brothers name." Mr.Stark says. I nod and go back into my room. I drop my bag and go into the kitchen.

"So i can have like..anything in here?" I look at Mr.Stark.

"Yep." I slightly smile. I pick out some fruits and mix them all together making a fruit salad. I eat where Mr.Stark is eating and we talk. "So, how you holding up?"

"Im alright..just a little homesick." I sigh out.

"I understand." He pats my back. "If it makes you feel any better your meeting the avengers team today." He offers.

"Wait what-"

"Oh yeah. They need to meet you so you can bond with the team." My heart drops. Usually me and Peter will do things together, we would hold each other up. Oh hell to the no. I cant meet all of them. It will be so awkward.

"Oh okay." I slowly nod hiding my emotions. Once im done eating i wash my dish and go into my room. What am i doing? I sigh. This was a bad idea. I immediately pull out my phone calling may. It rings it rings and then she finally answers. The one piece of family i have left.

"Hey y/n! How is over? I miss you. Are you safe?!" She asks.

"Y-yes may im safe its good, and i miss you too." I sigh into the phone.

"Whats wrong?" She asks concerned.

"I think this was a bad idea may. Especially with everything...everything thats going on." I breathe out trying not to let out my emotions.

"Y/n, y/n listen to me. If you wanna leave Mr.Stark will let you. Hes a good guy, but i dont think you should. Peter would want you too guarantee your future. He would want you too have a bright one. I wont force you to do anything but do it for Peter. I know guys were so close, and trust me its hard losing someone like that, but you have to try. Its only been one day. You gotta try." She says.

"I..I just dont know if i can through with this being away from you and not having peter," i begin to cry into the phone.

"Have you been given the time to mourn yet y/n?" she asks confused.

"I- i mean i guess not.." i question.

"Y/n you have to let it out. Not with me on the phone with you. Just yourself. You feel better. Unless you want me to come over."

"No-no no may its okay." I chuckle softly through the tears.

"What? You dont show off your cool aunt." She laughs.

"Thanks may."

"I love you y/n."

"I love you more." I hang up. I wipe my tears before going to the big ass living room.

"Hey kid ready?" Mr.Stark asks.

"I dont know Mr.Stark. I just need sometime off mourning." I say looking down.

"Okay i understand. Take all the time you need y/n." He nods at me.

"Thanks Mr.Stark." I give him a small fake smile before walking into my room. After 30 minutes i hear yelling outside.

"Where is she?!" A sweet voice yells.

"In her room!" Another girl yells. Someone knocks on my door. I unlock revealing a pretty archer.

"Hi love." I look at her. She rushes in my room before locking the door.

"How are you doing?" she looks at me with soft eyes. I simply just shrug. "Come here." She lays us down on my bed as i bury my head into her neck. "Do you wanna talk about him?" I shake my head. "Okay thats fine..its just you and me." I immediately recognize those words. I simply just cry. My eyes sweating on kates neck.


I wake up too kate sleeping besides me. I hear alarms going off and flashing red lights. I quickly get out of bed as i gently shake kate.

"Katie.." i whisper. "Kate whats going on?" I shake her.

"Huh?" She groans her eyes fluttering open.

"Kate why is there an alarm beeping and red lights?" I ask confused.

"Oh thats just means somethings happening in the city." She says causally. "Shit! Somethings happening in the city." She quickly gets up. I get up with her pressing the green button. Here we go.

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