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I drive to harrys house but before i make a stop at the gas station. I get some water and pay before hearing a man scream behind the gas station, i immediately run over as fast as i can with my water in my hands.

"Sir sir are you okay?!" I ask the man shaking and crying.

"Get it away from me!" He runs off dropping this what seems goo?

"What the hell.." i question. I touch it a little. "What is this.." i say to myself. I shrug it off before wiping it on my pants. I'll wash those later. I begin to think if i should go to harrys or not. Be mature y/n be mature. I take a breath before breathing it out. I begin to drive back to aunt mays feeling a little weak.


I arrive at aunt mays and park my car. I knock on the front door waiting for her to answer.

"Y/n! I heard what happened." She immediately brings me in for a hug wrapping her arms around my neck tightly. Mine wrap around her upper back. "How are you feeling do you want some hot chocolate?" She asks.

"Yeah actually i would like that." My voice cracks. She immediately nods and lets me in.  I sit on the couch watching tv and feeling like shit. Im losing everyone, its like im a curse. I sigh.

"Here you go." Aunt may gives me hot chocolate with a napkin. "I love you." She kisses my forehead.

"I love you too may." I sigh before sipping it. After 15 minutes i down it all and begin to feel tired. "Hey may im gonna lay down." I say.

"Okay love you." She yells from the kitchen.

"Love you too." I get up and walk to my room. Once i shut the door i feel dizzy. I quickly strip my jeans and shirt leaving my boxers and sports bra. I fall onto my bed since it felt like a cloud.


I randomly wake up feeling like someones grabbing all around me. I check my alarm clock to see its 3am. I sigh. I pull my blanket off of me to get some water. "What the fuck!" i yell falling back onto my bed. This goo is wrapped all around me like its a suit, it wasnt my suit but it was a suit. Its like the goo made its own. It was just black and white. I immediately look in the mirror. "What the fuck is going on?!" I whisper shout not wanting to wake may. I begin to try and rip it off. "Come off!" I yell as i use all my force to rip it. "Fuck!" i pant out. "What the fuck is going on?" i ask myself. I put some clothes over the goo since i cant go out like this. I put my hoodie on and the hood. I walk out of the house looking down. I plan to ether go to the park or maybe gas station and yes at 3am. Not daring to make eye contact. I feel someone bump into my shoulder.

"What where the hell your going!" He yells at me. I feel this rage the one i feel when i was fighting the green goblin.

"What the fuck did you just say too me?!" I pick this guy up with one hand by his collar.

"Chill! Im sorry!" He begins to shake. I throw him a little far and begin to keep walking.
That little bitch boy deserved it. I think to myself. I begin to keep walking towards the gas station hoping to get some snacks. I walk into the store and grab some gummy worms. I toss them on the table where the cashiers at. He mugs me.

"You got a fucking problem man?" I ask looking him in the eye.

"N-no." He shakes his head fast. I drop 2 dollars in the table before snatching my gummy worms. I walk out of the store and open them. I hear some noise in a supermarket down the street and run over to see what's happening. I see a man trying to snatch a girls purse.

"Please! Help me!" The girl looks at me shouting.

"Seems like a personal problem to me." I shrug walking away as i eat my gummy worms. I see some texts from kate and open them up as i eat my worms.


"Y/n please. It was a mistake."

"Im so sorry,"

"Please just text me back, i love you."

"Y/n i just wanna explain."

"I love you and miss you."

I begin to text back.

"Fuck off you slut." I laugh my ass off at my response.

"What?.." she texts me.

"I said to fuck off, you wanna fuck harry
go ahead i aint stoppin you whore," i begin to wheeze.

"Y/n why would you say that."

"Mf go away, i said fuck off a million times." I shut off my phone feeling satisfied. And begin to make my way back to aunt mays house.

"Wo that felt good." I smile and dump the wrapper of my gummy worms in the trash but only too miss, fuck that im not picking it up.

Next chapter yall are gonna get some real revenge.

-Next chapter yall are gonna get some real revenge

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Suit kate got yastifed 

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