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Y/ns pov:

I see at the corner of my eye kate dropping her towel. Wtf. My hands fly over my eyes.

"Remove you hands parker." I hear her walk over to me.

"Put your towel back on.." i breathe deeply.  I hear some footsteps and someone sit on the bed.

"This better?" I peak a little to see kate in her towel. I quickly sigh and nod. I mean would i want to smash of course. Will i tho? Of course..not. I am way too nervous. Plus scared im a fucking virgin what the hell am i suppose to do?  I see kate lay next to me. I already know whats coming..- well she is gonna be in a minute ahhaha im a jokester. That was a joke..ahem..anyways. I web the door shut flicking my wrist. I see a smirk appear on kates face. She takes my phone.

"Hey i was watching that!" I whine. She puts my phone in her..theres no other way to say this..boobs.

"You want it come get it." A grin grows on her face. I look her in the eye for the first time since she came out of the shower. Holy shit she looks so hot- no no. You cant let her win y/n. I gulp and my hand slowly moves in between her boobs. I take the phone raising my eyebrows at her. She seems impressed. Cmon y/n stay strong there boobies but stay strong! I gulp. My thoughts screaming. Man i low key wanna touch th- STAY STRONG. I take my phone going into the position i was just in laying down. I sigh in relief as take a deep breath. About 30 minutes have past and i decide to go to bed. I web the light making it turn off. I plug my phone in.

"Goodnight." I say to kate and kiss her. However she quickly deepened the kiss by titling her head. This cant be happening right now. I feel my shirt get pulled off. Theres no point on fighting now im too deep in. I help her take off my shirt before i hover over her on the bed. I continue to kiss her before i kiss her neck going lower just stopping at her shoulders. I make a couple of hickeys here and there on her neck. I smile proud of my work. I see her head fall back in pleasure. Okay here we go no pressure for you first time y/n. "C-can i?" I gulp.  She nods as i unwrap her towel. I take a deep breath as i stare at her..lord have mercy boobies.

"Take a picture it will last longer." She smirks at me. Well shit. I quickly start kissing her chest. Leaving hickeys everywhere. I hear her in the back round but my mind was focus on doing this right. I knew it was about that time for me to do something but i have to confess first. "W-why'd you stop?"

"Kate..before we actually do anything im a v-" i get off.

"Virgin." She finishes my sentence.

"H-how did you-"

"Y/n your too innocent." She chuckles out.

"S-so its like okay?" i ask.

"Yes of course its okay. We dont have to do anything if you want." She tells me sitting up.

"N-no actually..we can.." i clear my throat. "..continue." She nods.

"I'll help you." She lays me down as my heart starts beating louder and louder.

"Are you sure y/n?" She asks me.

"Y-yeah." I say.


"Yes." She nods as she straddles me. Well tonight is gonna be something. I feel myself have a b word were not gonna use. Holy shit. She starts full on making out with me before tracing down my stomach with her fingertips. Archers are so hot. She pulls away from kissing me and pulls down my boxers before slowly letting myself enter her. Holy fuck what is going on right now?! I hear myself groan. That was literally just the beginning of the night.


The next morning.

I wake up to kate sleeping on top of me with just an oversize shirt i gave her last night. I only have my sports bra, and boxers on. I groan and stretch trying not to wake kate but mission failed.

"Well good morning.." i hear kate chuckle out.

"good morning." I say back. "Can i get up?"

"Yes but take me with you." She says. She gets off of me flopping onto the bed once again. I wake to the bathroom confused.

"Arent you gonna come?" I asked confused.

"Actually i did that too much last night my legs are sore doofus!" She laughs making my eyes widen. I walk over to the bed and pick her up. I walk into the bathroom as i set her down onto the toilet seat. I give her, her toothbrush with toothpaste on it.

"S-so you like cant walk?" I ask confused.

"No parker." She giggles out.

"Does that happen every time we do something?" I ask a question again.

"No, only the night where its rough." Blood rushes up to my cheeks. "Are you sure that was your first time last night?" She asks.

"Y-yeah why? Was i bad..i was bad wasnt i shit." I say as i brush my teeth.

"No its just wow you were bad at all." I gulp wanting to get off this topic already.


Me and kate already ate breakfast that aunt may cooked us so now were in the living room chatter with her.

"Okay so if you had any super power what would it be?" Aunt may asks us.

"Probably super speed." I say.

"Hmm..mind control." Kate responds. Me and aunt may nod.

"What about you may?" I ask.

"Maybe the powers that those spider kids have you know?" She asks making a smile form on my face.

"Yes i know may." Kate makes eye contact with me. 20 minutes later kate had to go for some hawkeye business crap. I dont really know.

"So how was it?" May speaks up.

"How was what?" I drink my water.

"Your first time?" I immediately start choking on my water.

"W-what do you mean?" I start sweating.

"I seen those marks in kate." Aunt may grins at me.

"Those were mosquitoes may!" I gulp and walk back to my room my face full red.


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