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I rush back to my room after may literally violated me. Anyways i decide to take a shower to refresh. I grab some clothes and my towel. I hop into the shower. After 40 Minutes i get out brushing my hair and dry it. I slip the clothes on as i flop onto my bed. I grab my phone going on tiktok because when is tiktok ever dry? Im scrolling well thats until peter bust thru the door. Man does this kid have ANY manners?

"Peter knock first!" I yell at him.

"Or what?"

"Or you might see something! Especially when kates here." I say making his eyes widen.
"Thats what i thought now knock first." I scoff. "What do you want?" I ask still eyes on my phone.

"I-i..came in here to tell you proms like in 4 days." He stutters out.

"Wait for real?!" I question. As i spring out of bed.

"Uh yeah thats why i asked mj." Hes laughs.

"Okay okay peter do i how do i do this?! I never tooken a girl to prom before how do i ask?" i panic.

"Listen y/n, how did you ask kate to be your girlfriend?"

"I said "will you be my girlfriend?" I dont know!"

"Then do it like that just ask her a question." He tells me. I nod and take a breath.

"Okay im gonna go to her house." I say to him. He nods then leaves the room. Then an idea pops into my mind. Maybe i should take peters advice and do the simple? But we all know kate deserves more than that. Its about 4pm right now. Okay okay. I get a black hoodie with some dark blue jeans. I put on some converse and grab my keys,phone, and wallet. I take out my phone and see kate texted me.


"I miss you :(" I read out.

"Kate its only been 2 hrs" I reply.

"I still miss you🙄, can i come over at 6?" Shit shit no no.

"Actually i was wondering if we could go somewhere at 6. You and me."

"Where? Are you taking me on a dateeee???"

"Lets call it that, bishop. I'll pick you up at 6. Dress comfortable." Im really pulling this off.

"I cant wait." Your gonna have it.


I walk into the grocery store buying sandwiches grapes, any fruits i could find. I also grab some snacks and drinks. I grab some chocolate strawberrys cause i know thats kates favorite snack. I pay for the groceries and drive to the location. I pull out a blanket and set it down. I also put he snacks neatly on the blanket.

"Perfecto." I say to myself out of breath. I hop back into the car and check the time. 5:30 perfect. I begin to drive to kates house. Its been about 15 minutes and i've made it. I knock on the door with followers in my hand. I see kates mother open it.

"Hello y/n parker." She says coldly.

"H-hello miss bishop, is kate here?" I ask my timbers shivered.

"Yes give me a moment." She closes the door. I hear some shuffling before she opens it again.

"Y/n!" She leaps onto me. Her arms wrapping around my neck too tightly.

"Okay k-kate..your choking me." I pat her back.

"Im so sorry!" She laughs out. We properly hug before miss bishop speaks.

"No funny business kate." Her mother says looking me dead in the eye.

"Mom!" She takes my hand running towards my car.

"These are for you by the way." I hand her the flowers.

"They look beautiful." She takes them and smells them. We both get into the car and drive off.

"Put this on." I hand her a blindfold.

"So cliché parker." She giggles out making me smile. She puts the blindfold on and i arrive at our destination. I get out of the car before opening her car door and helping her out.

"Okay ready?" she nods. I take the blindfold off revealing the beach with a beautiful sunset sky. She runs over to the blankets, and snacks.

"Y/n.." she tries to speak. "You even got the chocolate strawberry's." She wipes a fake tear making me laugh.

"Anything for my best girl." I smile at her. We both sit up on the blanket eating sandwiches and talking. After 30 minutes i decide to ask her. "So kate.." my voice slightly breaks.

"Hm?" She looks over to me eating her sandwich.

"The reason i bought you here is to ask a question." I clear my throat.

"Whats up?"

"Will..y-you uh..go to prom with me?" i say that last part pretty fast.

"Of course parker!" She scoots closer to me.

"Trying to get that sunset kiss or what bishop?" I grin to myself. Ow my head hurts. I feel like im having massive deju vu right now.

"How did you know!" Kate gasps. What the fuck is going on right now? Its like we did this before. I shake it off.

"I mean might as well right?" I shrug making her nod. We both lean in and i tilt my head giving her more room. We both sit there making out before she climbs on top of me. Once were done kissing we lay there over the moonlight. It was about 11pm and i already texted may i was gonna be out for a while. I peak down to see kate slightly sleeping on me. This girl really loves sleeping on top of me man. I pick her up laying her in the backseat of the car. I get a clean blanket from the trunk of my car and some pillows as i put them in the back seat. I take the dirty blanket and the rest of the food, i shove them into the trunk. I climb into the backseat once again as kates on top of me sound asleep. I shut my eyes trying to get some sleep in.


This was a fluffy chapter.

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