Victory Royal.

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I wake up to kate in my arms. Wait i stayed the night here. Shit. Aunt may. I groan as i slightly get up. I pull out my phone as i text Peter.

Peter 🚀

"Dude i need you to cover for me." I text him.

I wait for him to reply but in the meantime i gotta get up. I gently shake kate instead of leaving cause i know she doesnt like waking up alone if im with her.

"Katie." I slightly nudge her oh so gently. I remember a trick i use on her a lot. "Oh my gosh is that hawkeye!?" She springs up as her eyes widen.

"Where?!" Her eyes search the room.

"No where." I chuckle out.

"Hey you tricked me!" She whines, she falls onto me again.

"Katie..i gotta go. Aunt may is waiting for me." I hear my phone ding. "Hold on."

1 message from:

Peter 🚀

"No need for covering, aunt may left really early so your good."

"Okay thanks. See you at school."

"Ok love you."

"Love u to." I text back fast.


"Who are you texting?" kate grabs my phone.

"Kate im texting Peter." I start to laugh.

"Oh..can i go through your phone for fun. I know you have memes on here." She grins at me.

"You can look at the memes while getting ready, we dont wanna be late for school." She huffs but listens to me. We both go into her big ass bathroom and i grab my toothbrush. I take some of my clothes i always leave here but keep my suit on under me. I put on a jacket so no one see's my suit. Me and kate brush our teeth, comb our hair, and wash our faces. I have to sneak out her window so her mom doesnt know i stayed the night. Shes really strict but at least she approves of me! I grab my backpack and sneak out her window.

"Meet me on the outside of the gate, ok babe?" She kisses my cheek.

"Okay." I smile at her. She looks just like a dream. The prettiest girl i've ever seen.

"Y/n?" I snap out of my thoughts.

"Y-yes mhm! Im going now!" I leap out of her window. I sneak towards the other side of the gate. Once im on the other side i wait there playing games on my phone. Mostly bubble pop. Honestly my life could not get any better. I see Kates car pull out of the gate. She unlocks it and i ride in the passenger. I continue to play on my phone as kate drives.

"Who are you texting?" She tilts her head.

"Im playing bubble pop. OH SHIT I GOT THE HIGH SCORE!" i yell shoving my phone in kates face.

"Y/n! I cant see!! MOVE THE PHONE!" I immediately pull my phone away.

"My bad.." i mumble to myself. I continue playing until we get to school.


Once we arrive we get out of the car and i see someone walk up to me. Oh shit. Here we go again. I sigh.

"Whats up stupid parker!" Flash shoves me. "You think your rolling with the big kids now?" He jokes around. "I told you bishop was off limits!" He grabs me by my collar picking me up."

"Flash stop!" Kate pushes flash away from me.

"Playing hard to get bishop?" He grins at her. Kate throws her water all over him. He gasps. "Are you serious!?" All of his friends laugh while my mouth is hung open shocked. "Oh i see you want me to take off my shirt!" He takes off his shirt. All of his friends laugh at kate. "Cmon bishop i know you want me." He comes touches her hand. Fuck that hoe! I ram straight into him making him hit the ground hard.

"Dont you ever touch her again!" I grab him by the collar.

"Hey whats going on here!" i teacher runs over to us. Everybody starts talking at the same time over lapping one another. "Everyone principles office now!" The teacher shouts at all of us. What a walk of shame and we havent even started the day. I scoff at my thoughts. I see kate wrap her arm around my left arm. I look up at her.

"Are you okay?" i ask.

"Im fine. Are you alright?" She looks at me making eye contact.

"Yes just didnt think this is how the day would go." I chuckle making her laugh.


We all got detention, but got to walk back to class. After a whole 6 hrs of school we go home. Me and kate agree to go to my place. She parks her car right next to mine and i get out of the passenger seat. We take the stairs up and i unlock the door with my house key. I see peter staring at the tv.

"What you watchin pete?" I toss my keys and backpack on the counter.

"Hm? Oh just some umbrella academy." He glances at me before his eyes go back to the tv again.

"Cool." I reply sighing.

"Oh hey kate." Peter looks at kate before waving.

"Hi Peter." Me and kate walk back to my room flopping on my bed. I decide i want to play some fortnite so i start up my monitor. I sign in and do all the boring stuff before actually getting to play. I play about 3 games and i see kate intensely stare at the screen.

"Wanna play?" I ask. Her eyes light up. She sits on my lap and my arms wrap around her waist. I start explaining the game to her and she finally gets him. "Yes yes! THAT GUY RIGHT THERE SHOOT HIM! YES!" Victory royal, pops up in the screen. We both shout in excitement.

"That was amazing!" she yells smiling at me. We both stand up dancing, i glance at her before she legit grabs my face and smashes my lips onto hers. It takes a moment before i know whats going on. I finally understand the assignment and move along with her, as we go in sync. My hands wrap around her waist, i pick her up before her legs wrap around my waist. I gently set her down on the bed before hovering over her doing nothing.

"You're so beautiful." I say to her looking at her straight in the eye. Im so lucky. I see red appear on her cheeks before she giggles out. I tickle her in the stomach making her go into a fit of laughter.


Its been about 6 hours since Kate came over to my house. Since it was about 10, me and Peter decide to arrive early at the warehouse to stake out. I love being on step ahead. I take off my clothes since my suit was always underneath. I put my coms in before putting my mask on. I lock my door and open my window ready. I leap out of it before swinging towards the building. Me and peter arrive at the same time and stake out on top of the building. Sneaky as a spider. Me and Peter see the green goblin making these pumpkin bombs? I would say. And the night just began.



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