One Last Time, One Last Goodbye.

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"Okay y/n take this." Dr strange hands me a device. "It allows you to communicate in a different reality or so universe. Our normal cell phones wont work." I nod as I put it in my backpack.

"Alright heres the game plan, me and y/n will search Los Angeles, and vegas. While tony and strange searches new york and jersey. Okay?" We all nod. "If anything goes wrong use this device." Cap shows us the device that strange gave us. We all break the huddle getting ready.

"Okay charging up the meter tony." Bruce says cranking a thing up. "Now thor!" Bruce yells. Thor uses his lightning burst charging the meter up. Strange opens a portal.

"Here we go!" Mr.Stark says. We all jump through it. It felt like I was liquid, just floating around in space. Me and Cap drop from the sky.

"AHHH!" I yell as we fall. We hit the cement in a alley way.

"We've made it." Cap grunts as he stands up.

"But at what cost?" I pant a bit. Cap helps me up as we look around. "Where are we?" I ask.

"According to tonys map, los angeles." Cap tells me he looks around peaking his head out. "Alright y/n were gonna have to split up." I nod. "I'll take vegas you stay here."

"How will I know where the stone is?" I ask.

"Here, this will give off its radio signals. Just keep walking towards it and do not pick it up!" I nod again. "Use this and put the stone in it." Cap give me a container. "Okay goodluck y/n." He tells me.

"Good luck to you too cap." He runs off catching an taxi. This is my one chance to avenge one chance to become a hero again. I turn on the device as I start running following its directions. I end up near a beach. "Please dont be in the water." I whisper to myself. I begin cutting traffic as I speed towards the beach. I get honked at, but I keep running. You cant let them down again. Just as im about to reach the sand I get held back.

"Where you think your goin, punk?" A guy asks with his friend.

"Who the hell are you guys?!" I question.

"Thats not important." One of them punch me making me fall back. You cant bring it out. I refer to being that spider thing I once was. They punch me again before I start to fight back. I knee one in the stomach and kick the other onto the sand, they fall back out of breath. I spin kick the one I kneed in the stomach making him fall unconscious onto the sand. The other one runs off as I grip my face in a little pain.

"Hey man you alright?" A guy with a english accent asks. I look over to see.

"Peter?!" I pant out.

"Uh, sorry mate. My names tom." The guy chuckles. doppelgängers!!

"S-sorry about that." I feel my heart rip out of my chest seeing peter..or tom alive.

"Dont be sorry, you literally kicked those guys asses mate." He laughs. P-Peter?

"Can I hug you?" My voice breaks.

"Sure if-" I immediately bring him in for a hug clinging onto him. I feel a tear pour out as I hug him. "Okay.." He says awkwardly. I pull away.

"Im sorry..thank you." I tell him as I run off towards the beach.

"No problem!" He yells smiling. I run onto the beach as I search for the stone. I end up under the pier. I swing my device around until it begins beeping rapidly fast. Its in the sand yes! I begin to dig with my hands like a stupid dog. I finally reach something. I carefully grab out my container that steve gave me and scoop it in with some sand.

"Mission accomplished." I mumble as I smile. I put it in my backpack as I rush off the beach. I text steve on the device strange gave us.

Steve Rogers

"Uh Mr.Rogers I found the thingy what do I do now?"

"Good y/n do you have it in the container?"


"Okay just sit tight. Im almost reaching the other stone."

"Okay cool can I eat here?"

"Yeah sure just blend in."

"Got it."


I check my pockets seeing I have 20 bucks. Lets go. I see a in-n-out store by the roads close to the beach. No way they have in-n-out here too?! I smile. I rush like a little kid towards the restaurant. I walk in as I look on the menu seeing what they have.

"Welcome to in-n-out, may I take your order?" The lady asks.

"I would just like, a cheeseburger with just pickles as its topping, and one fries tray." I tell her.

"Will that be all?" She asks. I nod. "Okay your total comes out to me 7.38." I hand her my money and she gives me back the change. Since they were so quick I immediately get my food. I walk sitting in a booth. I havent felt this happy in a long time. I was doing my part.  I begin to munch on my burger, and fries. I finally finish it throwing the garbage away. Just as im about to walk out of the restaurant someone bumps into me.

"Shoot, im so sorry." A sweet voice says. She loosk down grabbing her keys that fell.

"No its my fa-" I cut myself off as my mouth falls open. "K-kate?" I begin to shake.

"Um..sorry my names hailee, hailee steinfeld." She gives me a small smile.

"Um-...yes right sorry." My voice breaks.

"I know I just met you, but are you ok?" She slightly laughs.

"No, yeah. Im fine." I clear my throat holding back the tears ready to escape my eyes.

"You sure?" She asks tilting her head.

"Yeah.." I give her a small fake smile looking into her eyes. They were hazel, not blue, but hazel. The second most beautiful eyes I ever seen.

"Would you maybe like to grab a coffee sometime?" The girl Hailee asks.

"Uh I would-.." I begin to panic, when you dont show up to that date your gonna let her down, like you let kate. I panic of fear washes over me, but caps word replays in my head. 'You gotta move, on.' but i loved her. "I-..I"

"Hey its okay you can say no." The girl laughs.

"Im-..Im actually visiting, so im not gonna be here for long." I try not to break.

"Oh yeah, I understand well..have a good day." She smiles at me. One of the most prettiest smiles I ever seen in my lifetime.

"Wait before you go.." I clear my throat. "May I give you a hug?" My voice cracks as im about to break down, I can see Hailee noticing.

"Yeah.." She whispers. My arms wrap around her upper back as I embrace her, feeling kate but knowing it wasnt her. One last time, one last goodbye. We pull away.

"Well..goodbye." I slightly chuckle.

"Goodbye." She smiles at me. I walk out of the store. Even if I made myself look like a fool in there at least I can maybe have courage to move on..just maybe. I get a text from steve.

Steve Rogers

"Hey meet at where we came from."

"Okay, is strange gonna portal us back?"

"Yes but we need you."



I catch a taxi.


So..were nearing the end yall..what do you guys wanna see before this ends :,)

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