New House.

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I walk out of my lab with kate and ned following behind me. I decide to go to my room to think things out.

"What are we gonna do?" Ned asks.

"Nothing for now. I need a break from this." I sigh. Kate comes over to to me laying her head on my shoulder. "I think im gonna go to mays." I look at her.


I arrive at aunt mays house, im staying for a week to clear my head. Just like old times. Kate decided to stay over for a couple of nights. I knock on aunt mays door with kate beside me.

"Hi- y/n!" She hugs me and kate. "Come in come in!" I look around at her new place.

"Living the dream huh?" I say chuckling.

"I guess you could say." She replies.

"So what brings you two around? I thought you were doing the stark internship." She asks.

"Well i needed to clear my head, so i came here. Is it cool if i stay for a week?" I ask.

"Of course y/n." She hugs me. May took me to my new room and i set my backpack down. I flop onto the bed. Kate lays on top if me with her head on my chest.

"So what are we gonna do?" She sighs out. Theres a moment of silence.

"Wanna go on a date?" I ask randomly. Her head shoots up.

"And where would we go?" she smiles at me.

"Anywhere you want." I smile back at her. She kisses me which quickly turns into a make out session. I web the door shut as get on top of her. My hands go onto her hips and hers go around my neck pulling me closer to her. I feel her tug on my shirt so i take it off. I begin to leave hickeys all over her neck. Her hands run through my hair as were just getting starting.

"Hey y/n?" A voice from outside calls me. I continue kissing kate not giving a damn.
"Y/n?" The voice repeats. I stop kissing kate before i sigh.

"Give me a moment?" I ask kate. She nods and lets go of me. I open the locked door. "Yes may?" I peak my head out since i dont have a shirt on just my sports bra.

"Do you want pasta or pizza for dinner?"

"Pasta." I reply. She nods and quickly walks away. I lock the door once again and walk over to kate whos on my bed. "Where were we?" I fall on top of here.

"I believe we were here." She kisses me before pulling off her own shirt. I unclip her bra and slip it off. I leave bites all around her chest area. Her head falls back. My hands make way to her jeans. I slowly unbutton them as i continue to kiss her chest. My hand finally unbutton her jeans and she slides them down. I take off my pants as well. I begin to lower myself to her thighs. I tease her inching closer and closer to her center i leave bites on her thighs. Too bad no one is gonna see them besides me. My tongue slides out of my mouth and into her. Her eyes roll back and i begin picking up the paste. I detach my lips and let my hands do the work. I make my way up to kate.

"You like that pretty girl?" I pant out. She slowly nods as she moans. And now where being to loud. Not even 20 minutes and were already fucking in the new house. I put my other hand over her mouth gently. She keeps moaning since my hand is stopping her from making it loud. I replace my hand with mouth as she moans into our kiss. My fingers continue to thrust into her and i leave marks on her neck.

"Im gonna.." her sentence stops as she releases on my fingers. I clean up my hand before flopping onto the bed next to her.

"That was awesome." I say looking at the ceiling.

"Wanna take a shower with me?" She asks.


Idk how to feel abt this. Btw yall asked for more kate, and some drama is bout to go down.

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