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Its been a week since we found the video of mr.osborn. We have been searching for what feels like forever. Im currently sitting in the edge legs dangling on the One Word Trade Center. Its about 4pm and i get a call. I look at the caller ID and see
'aunt may🪴' I pick up the call putting the phone to my ear.

"Hello may?"

"Y/n! Can you get some pizza? Mj, and ned are here and i havent went grocery shopping yet." She says.

"Yeah i'll pick it up right now." I sigh out.

"Okay stay safe love you."

"Love you to." I hang up. I put my phone in my pocket and sigh. Here we go. I leap off of the building swinging from tower to tower. I finally arrive at the pizza place. I go in still in my suit.

"Holy shit! Your the spider hero thing!!" The owner says excited.

"Uhh yeah, can i get a pizza please?" I say muffled since i had the mask on.

"Y-yes!" He stumbles running in the back. "Here its in the house!" He gives me two large pizza.

"I appreciate this but no need." I drop 30 dollars on the counter before swinging away.

"I make it into my room and change out of my suit. I then climb out my window again walking into our apartment building. I run up a few stairs then knock on our door.

"I'll get it!" I hear a sweet voice yell. They open the door.

"Kate?" I ask confused.

"Hey y/n." She lets me into my own house.

"Is this a intervention or something?" i asked confused. Ned,mj,peter,kate,and may had papers in there hands. Fucking hell is this a cult?! All of here eyes shoot towards me.

"Pizza!" Aunt may yells. She takes the boxes out of my hand before opening it and grabbing a slice. She gets plates for everyone and puts slices on them. She hands one out and everybody says thank you.

"So whats going on?" i asked confused. Aunt may walks back to her room closing and locking the door.

"Mr.osborn." Peter says.

"Ok..what about him?" I ask confused everybody's eyes still on me. "Can everybody stop staring at me?" I shake my head. Mj mouths the word 'sorry'. Ned looks away.

"Well how do i say this? He died." Peter tells me.

"Ok.." I say very confused.

"Thats it?" Pete asks.

"If thats what you wanna believe that he died then believe it." I smile opening the fridge taking out a kool aid.

"Y/n its real! They even showed his body." Peter shoves his phone in my face.

"Too close too close!" He backs away.

"Listen Peter you do you. And why is everybody here explain." I sip the kool aid.

"I like her she seems like a good recruit." A shadow comes out of no where.

"Who the hell are you?!" I ask as my tingles go off. I finally see his face.

"You know me spider-..what do they call you?" Captain america says.

"For the last time we are working on our name!" I sign. " do you know im the spider hero?" I ask confused.

"Y/n dont be mad-" i cut peter off.

"You idiot peter! You didnt ask me?!" I yell at peter.

"Hes very intimating!" Peter shouts back.

"Y/n listen i wont tell tony or anyone on the team. Plus i cant even do that. Im a fugitive remember?" He asks.

"I guess." I huff out. Kate starts rubbing circles on my back for comfort. "Why are you here?"

"I heard about mr.osborn. Me and sam think something doesnt app up. Hes planning something. Peter told me he appeared and just disappeared. Thats not normal." I slowly nod. "So we need you and peter to work the case." He adds on.

"Isnt that what were doing?" I say confused.

"Yes but your doing it from the outside y/n, we need to go on the inside." Cap says.

"And how are we gonna do that??" I tilt my head.

"Me and Sam have a base set up learning what comes into oscorp, as well as what leaves." says.

"And you need us to do your dirty work because your a fugitive?" I scoff.

"Y/n." Kate punches my arm making me groan and hold it.

"Y/n i understand your mad because you didnt wanna get roped into this but there is no dirty work. Everybody knows if i wasnt wanted i would fight." Cap looks at me. I sigh and nod. "Do you think you can work with us?" Captain adds on. I sigh and sip my kool aid one last time.

"Where do we start?"


Its 11pm on a friday, me and exchange numbers keeping in touch about missions. I just hate the word, i hate working for the government just s bunch of lies. I wanna be my own hero, a free agent. I sigh.

"Y/n?" Kate snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Yes mam?" I get up from the edge of my bed.

"Can you bring me a towel?" Kate says from the bathroom.

"Yeah." I find a towel in the cabinet. I put my hands over my eyes shutting my eyes closed. I slowly open the bathroom door putting my hand out.

"You can look doofus." Kate chuckles.

"It's disrespectful!" I shout as i bump into a wall. "Shit!"

"Language!" Kate starts giggling.

"lAnGUaGE." I mock her. "WHERE ARE YOU?!" I begin to shout.

"Im in the shower genius!" She starts laughing.

"Kate am i walking towards you?!" I hear laughter.

"Yes a little closer." She giggled out. "There." She takes the towel out of my hand. I run backwards forgetting the door was shut, i slam into the door head first.

"OW FUCKIN SHIT!" I shout making my hands spring off my eyes grabbing my knee.

"Oh..-oh my gosh!" Her mouth drops.

"What was that?!" Aunt may shouts.

"NOTHING MAY I JUST HIT MY HEAD ON THE DOOR!" I shout back groaning.

"Are you gonna get up?!" Kate says.

"Give me a minute will you!" I say back making her go into a fit of laughter. I finally get up and rub my knee. I flop onto bed sighing. I take off my pants cause who the he'll actually sleeps with pants on?! I put the blanket over me and go on my phone. I click on YouTube and see some edits of me and peter swinging. I smile to myself. Kate comes out of the bathroom with just a tower wrapped around herself and her hair down. Stop your staring y/n.


Kates pov:

I hope tonight's the night. Your thinking to yourself kate ew why would you do that to y/n? Well me and y/n officially started dating this week but thats a story for y/n to tell. I know she a virgin, i just wanna help her with her first time. I dont want it to be with a girl whos gonna force her. I come out of the bathroom with my hair down and towel wrapped around me. I see y/n immediately start staring at me making me grin. I walk over to her painfully slowly. I her gulp and continue to play on her phone trying to ignore me. She cant ignore me for that long. I let the towel fall.


Sorry i didnt post for 4 days i just felt unmotivated. Lets hope i can continue to post tmrw so i dont rob you guys👍👍 have a good day or nighttt

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