01 | the little things about you

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Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you have as a dinner guest?

Yumi raised an eyebrow at the question. "That's a strange one."

"It's meant to poke and prod at the little things about you, I guess," Jaemin shrugged. "Which I happen to like a lot, by the way."

"No flattery until I say so," she ordered. He gave her a strange look at that, but complied and waited for her to answer the question. "If I had to choose, I'd say my father."

"Why him?" he asked. "Doesn't he—"

"He doesn't," Yumi cut him off. She felt a knot of resentment in her chest just thinking about. She wasn't going to say more than she needed to here. Not until she was ready to talk about it. "It's just me and my mother most days. He's not around as much as he used to be. I kind of miss our bond. The days when we didn't have the barrier of all the expectations that he has of me between us."

"Can I ask...?" he saw the tightness of her mouth and dropped it, dragging the brush over the wall. "Okay. My answer is my best friend from middle school. We kind of fell out over something stupid, and I wish we could fix it. Honestly, I don't remember what we even fought about—just that we were really, really mad at each other."

"One of those fights kids have all the time?"

"We were about fourteen, I think," he shook his head. "Must have been the stress of the first round of exams, or something. I don't even have anything to contact him with."

"I hope it works out one day," Yumi said sincerely. "Fights are unpleasant."

"They are," Jaemin sighed. "Anyway, question number two says..."



A/N: like i said before: chapters of fluctuating length because a question per chapter!

36 MINUTES TO FALL, jaemin ✓Where stories live. Discover now