22 | five things about you

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Alternate sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner. Share a total of five items.

"You've stayed strong through the unfairness of your parents," Yumi said.

"So have you," Jaemin countered. "All through the expectations and the hardships, you have stayed very strong and even true to yourself."

"Your almost endless optimism," Yumi said.

"Your talent with art. Proved by that competition."

"Your helpfulness, willingness to help. Half the new kids are warming up because you're there to guide them."

"You're so hardworking; it's another reason I love you."

Yumi blinked, and Jaemin tensed, realizing that he had said something he hadn't wanted to say. She skated over it, though, saying, "Your intelligence. You're smart, no matter what anyone says."

"Your patience," Jaemin said. Yumi laughed, shaking her head. "No, I'm serious! You are, um, kind of irritable, but sometimes you have infinite patience, especially with the new kids. It's admirable, since so many of them are almost irritatingly clueless."

"We were them once," Yumi said, amused. "For my last one: even when I kept denying you, you kept trying without making it seem obsessively stalker-ish."

"And for my last," he ended the question's answer, "you're always trying your best to be as kind to everyone as you can."

"Call it being afraid of being unlikeable," she switched their hands, flexing her numb one, the sign of the blood beginning to flow again being the pins and needles-like stings that erupted across it. "Question number twenty-three, please."



A/N: this tiny chapter took me way too long to write because i was hiccupping so badly my head and stomach began to hurt lmaooo 

36 MINUTES TO FALL, jaemin ✓Where stories live. Discover now