08 | three things in common

91 12 3

Name three things you and your partner seem to have in common.

"Huh," Yumi thought about it. "An interest in art, to begin with."

"An obsession, more like," Jaemin said. "Another...let's go for the obvious. High expectations from everyone."

"Feeling strong emotions?" Yumi suggested. She tried explaining when Jaemin raised an eyebrow, clearly not seeing the connection. "You're very hopeful I'll say yes to you, aren't you?"


"And as for me..." she looked towards the gates about twenty feet away from them, at the vehicles driving past the darkened street lit up with the streetlamps high above. "I'm scared of a lot of things, Jaemin. Some of them are stupid. Most of them."

"Including the result of this quiz?"

"Truthfully, yes," she sighed. "Some days I wake up wondering what would happen if I just...disappeared. Ran away, got kidnapped, died, something. Would it make all the people who've ever put me down, treated me like less, put too much on my shoulders, realize that they made a mistake?"

"Hey, don't talk like that," Jaemin's tone took on a tone that was both sharp and mildly concerned, and she realized that she shouldn't have said that. "Don't say things like—like that. You shouldn't. You should know that you have many friends who do appreciate all that you do, and I'm first in line. If I didn't, why would I like you so much?"

"I know you respect me," she smiled. On instinct, she reached for his hand and took it, holding it just tight enough that it didn't hurt him. "I appreciate that."

Jaemin's hand squeezed back. This time, she didn't fight the rush of warmth that went through her at the simple action. "I always will," he said. "Now, the ninth question..."



A/N: get yourself a man like na jaemin

36 MINUTES TO FALL, jaemin ✓Where stories live. Discover now