author's note

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That's the end of my first NCT fanfiction :)

I honestly had no idea that I'd become attached enough to Jaemin to write a fanfic for him, to be honest. I also didn't think the wordcount would be this much (no surprise).

When I first drafted this book, I'd read The Sun Is Also A Star for like the tenth time and just wondering to myself, 'what if Natasha and Daniel's answers were somewhat different?' and somewhere along the line I decided I wanted to make a fanfic centering around the love questions.

And then it sat in my drafts for a couple of months because I wasn't in the right mindset to finish a book so closely similar to my own life until I returned from a semi-hiatus (?) for like three days and I was determined to finish my goal of writing a book for the wonderful, lovely, never-replaceable @seung-ie. Kris, I literally love you so much and I hope you enjoyed this book, I really tried my best for you.

And everyone else, too—I hope this book made you smile, laugh, and get sad, too. This book and its characters are rather close to my heart. And yes, I made Jaemin the dream boyfriend on purpose. What can I say? He's just won me over too well. Also, I'm proud of the time it took me to write (thirty-odd days!). I'm better at writing novelettes (?), to be honest.

(to the person who told me to check out Hello Future, and hence threw me into the hole known as NCT, I thank you, even if I can't exactly remember who.)

Anyways, thank you so much for reading, and I hope you'll check out my other works. If not, look forward to my future NCT fanfics!


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