10 | unfair

94 12 10

If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?

"Isn't it obvious?" Yumi asked. "To live a life like any of the other kids our age. To live a life without being expected to be everything I'm struggling to keep up. I'm aware that all parents want their kids to do well in school, but mine are so insistent on it. It's like they want me to live the life they didn't get to have."

"I wish mine were more...fair," Jaemin said, a hint of resentment clear in his voice. "I love them and all, but against my sister, I felt useless. I still do, really. I'm never as smart as her, never as good at anything as her, never—" his voice cracked a little. Yumi blinked when she saw that Jaemin's eyes shimmered with tears. He wiped them away roughly. "I'm always second best. Always the one who needs to live to their oh-so-great first child. Doesn't matter what kind of result I have, there's always something I need to get better at."

"That's so unfair," Yumi said indignantly. "No one can a hundred percent every time. I say so with experience. Jaemin, I sympathize with you, but at least I don't have to feel like that every day. You're one of the top students in the grade, you don't need to push yourself more than you already do."

"I wish I could believe that," he said. "I really wish I could. But, Yumi, you know that the same applies to you, too."

"Oh, I know," she said, "but I'm too scared of what'll happen, of how they'll betray my trust again with what they say."

"Sounds like we're both too afraid to openly rebel," Jaemin noted. "Has the paint dried yet? We need to hurry."

Yumi peered at it. "Not quite, but let's do it anyway," she said, getting to her feet. She had to release Jaemin's hand to do it, which she wished she didn't have to, but work was work. "Eleventh question?"



36 MINUTES TO FALL, jaemin ✓Where stories live. Discover now