07 | secret hunch

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Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?

"I have this paranoid fear that I'll get killed crossing the street," Yumi admitted. "In a road accident. I get sent to the grocery shops a lot, and even coming home from school, when I cross the street, the vehicles are gonna be whizzing past, right? I'm usually very careful, but one day, I might just..."

"Okay, stop talking like that, it's freaking me out," Jaemin shivered. He was sitting back against the dry part of the wall, and Yumi went to join him. "That's a really morbid way to die, Yumi."

"I know," she said. "I'm very paranoid. What about you?"

"This is going to sound stupid," he began. "But I have this routine of climbing up onto my roof on the nights when my sister and I fight too hard and I don't want to talk to anyone. It's pretty stable and safe for the most part, but sometimes I think about the fact that I might take one wrong step and go plummeting to the ground."

"Now I'm the one who's freaked out," she said with distaste. "That sounds like a really scary way to go. Like, you'll be falling and thinking, why did I take that wrong step?"

"It'll be fast and quick."

"If you're lucky," she pointed out. "There are chances you could fall and severely injure yourself hence making yourself a cripple for the rest of your life."

"That's disturbing," he made a face. "Guess who'll be having weird dreams tonight?"

"Both of us," Yumi declared. "Let's move on from death and try something livelier."



A/N: ngl I have a secret hunch that I'll go the same way yumi thinks she'll go

36 MINUTES TO FALL, jaemin ✓Where stories live. Discover now