19 | doing as we wish

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If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?

"I think I'm psychic," Yumi mumbled. "What do you say?"

"Try to find a way to ignore my sister, maybe stop her entirely," Jaemin said. "And stop letting my parents push me around. There's no point in spending the remnants of my life like that."

"As for me..." Yumi looked back towards the street. It was already nine p.m. now and the flow of traffic had decreased. "I'd pursue and do as my heart says. My parents would probably hate me for it, and I'd be heartbroken, I know. But why would I spend what little time I have of my life having others dictating it?"

"So we agree on one thing, then," Jaemin said. "Breaking free of our restraints and doing as we wish. I like it."



36 MINUTES TO FALL, jaemin ✓Where stories live. Discover now