32 | too serious

66 11 13

What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?

"Can I answer first?" Jaemin asked.

"Go ahead."

"The death of someone," he said. "It's insulting and an inhuman thing to do, the way I see it. When someone dies, one of the last things you have of them is their memory and joking about their death is like...I don't know, defiling it? Why would you joke about it, when you can cherish the memory instead?"

"Good point," Yumi mused. Her hands involuntarily tightened around her sheets. "No one should joke about anyone's death."

"Are you alright? You sound tense."

"Nothing, just...thinking about my answer," she exhaled, and blurted out before he cut in with anything else, "I think the people who joke about things like anxiety and—and similar things are assholes."

"Whoa. That was strong."

"Why wouldn't I be?" she asked quietly. "When people joke and pretend about that, do they realize what it's like to sit there and feel so suffocated, like everything is pressing in around you? To hear whispers and obsess about it worryingly? To fear doing even little things, because it terrifies you? To feel like you're not worth anything, that your life's a joke, not even worth staying alive—" she stopped, biting back the fresh tears that had gathered, realizing her voice had risen in volume and pitch.

"Yumi, has this happened to you before?" Jaemin's voice was soft. Concerned. Kind.

"Yeah," she said, her voice returning to its original pitch. "But let's not talk about that right now. Throw me the next question."

"Are you sure—you know, I'll stop asking you that," he sighed. "I'll just do it."



A/N: they're not wrong tho

36 MINUTES TO FALL, jaemin ✓Where stories live. Discover now