25 | always be there

65 11 6

Make three true "we" statements each. For instance, [we are both in this room feeling...]

"Why don't you start?" Yumi suggested as they left the school and began walking in the direction of the bus stop, the cool night air a welcome sensation against her heated skin. She wasn't about to admit it, but she still felt kind of shaky on her feet. She compensated for this by taking longer, slower strides.

"Alright, if you want," he agreed, casting a sidelong glance at her. He didn't say it, but it was clear he was still concerned. "For one...we both feel like we aren't what our mom and dad want us to be, whether that's a correct assumption or not."

"It's correct," Yumi said, her voice monotonous, though that didn't stop her from going to hold his hand again as they walked. It didn't attract attention from the few passers-by; couples were a frequent enough sight, and that relieved her. "Second?"

"We both have a less-than-loving relationship with said parents," he said.

"Yep," she cast her gaze upwards, to the barely visible stars. "That's right."

"And we...we both have feelings for each other."

She dropped her head, and slowly looked to Jaemin, who was staring at her even as they walked. She met his eyes evenly, and allowed a smile to grace her lips. "Yes, we do—and now it's my turn."

"Give it your best," he said. They paused by the bus stop, watching for it, waiting for it to come rolling.

"We're both high achievers academically," she began, "perhaps overachievers, but it's done for the approval and love of our parents."

"That's correct," Jaemin assented.

"We aren't doing as our hearts desire because of the fear we have of our parents right now, at least," she said. "But that ends very soon."

"Does it?" he raised an eyebrow, challenging her to give him the truth outright. She did not take the bait; it was still too early.

"Let's hope it does," she replied. "And for my third statement, I say that we both know that this quiz won't be the reason I say yes or not—merely a factor to my answer."

"You know what, I won't question that," Jaemin decided.

"It's best not to," she said. "I'll give you the answer tonight, though. You have my word on that."

"I know I do."

It was silent for a while, neither of them saying anything, mulling over the statements they both knew were true. Yumi was about to speak up and ask him to give her the next question when he spoke up himself.

"Hey, Yumi?"


"Can I promise you something?" he looked at her with such sincerity that it was almost scary. She nodded. "I promise you, Yumi, whether or not you accept me tonight, I will always, always be there. No matter what happens tonight, just know that I'm here to talk and to make you feel better. I'll always put you first, because I care."

"Thank you," she said, and then she stepped forward and hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Na Jaemin. I trust you, no matter what."

"Let's hope that trust isn't misplaced," he laughed, gently disentangling himself from her tight grip. " Here's the bus, and the next question awaits."



A/N: honestly, if there was a dictionary for names, the definitions under my name should be "idealistic; cheesy; hopeless romantic."

36 MINUTES TO FALL, jaemin ✓Where stories live. Discover now