21 | love and affection

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What roles do love and affection play in your life?

"A pretty big one, I guess," Yumi said. "Love and affection—those are things that have always made me feel better. My mother and I are at odds often, as you know, but every once in a while, she'll show me a bit of affection. That about does it for me, giving me this weirdly hyper energy and motivation for the day."

"What about us holding hands right now?" there was a mischievous smile on his face as he said it.

"It's giving me more strength to talk about the things I usually keep to myself," she said honestly. "What about you?"

"It's telling me that even if you don't say yes, at least I know you care, too," he said. A smile of happiness and delight crossed both their faces. "As for my answer to the actual question, not much, really. I'm so used to not receiving much that mostly, it's something I crave for but don't expect."

"You're so affectionate, that's hard to believe."

"I guess that's me embodying everything I wish I could have," he shrugged. "If I can't get the affection, why not find it and give some of my own?"

"That's a good philosophy," Yumi said. "I wonder how impressive your answer will be for the next question?"

"Impressive enough," he promised.



A/N: it's at this phase i'm realizing that this sounds like some kind of Y/N story 😭 i'm in too deep to turn back now so just enjoy i guess lmao (help)

36 MINUTES TO FALL, jaemin ✓Where stories live. Discover now