34 | even in a fire

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Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?

"My paintbrushes," Yumi said. "They're in a little pouch on my desk, so it counts as a single item."

"Paintbrushes? Sentimental value?"

"Yep. My ninth-grade art teacher gave them to me for my birthday. She was a very, very special person to me. She understood me better than most people and was the one who advised I go to the guidance counselor. I've never thrown them away and I use them at every given chance."

"You're using past tense. What happened to her?"

"Died. Natural causes." Yumi let out a breath. "She was kind of old, so yeah. Even if she was from a completely different era, grew up completely differently from me...she still got me. She understood how psychology worked, how parents' situations can affect a child in a bad way, and all that. Her death was hard on everyone."

"She must have been a great person."

"She was. What would you save?"

"There's this plushie I have, a little cat," Jaemin said. "It was a gift from my aunt, when she used to babysit me, before my sister became the star of the show. It's been like ten years and I still have it. Occasionally, I make my mom repair it, and she can't understand why I'm so attached to it. Even my sister's tired of making fun of me for it because no amount of teasing and catcalling will make me let go of it."

"Aw, that's so cute!" Yumi cooed. "Even in a fire, you'd save a plushie?"

"Well, yes. Reminder of good times, and all." he paused. "Well, onto the next question?"

"Carry on."



36 MINUTES TO FALL, jaemin ✓Where stories live. Discover now