16 | friendship's value

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What do you value most in a friendship?

"The trust we have in each other," Yumi answered. "What's a friendship without some measure of trust? To be friends doesn't mean you need to tell your whole life story to them, you should be able to trust each other enough to say confidently, 'yes, they're my friend.' Personally, I believe that if you're hesitant to say so, are you really friends?"

"It's so easy to tell you've given this serious thought," Jaemin said after a moment. "I want to ask you, though. Although we both do have feelings for each other, this whole time, have you had any hesitance in saying that we're friends?"

"At first," she admitted. "At first, I was scared to say so because I was afraid to make a fool of myself. Eventually, though, I realized that you considered me a friend, and we talk a lot, anyway. If that's not friendship, that's at least friendliness, which counts."

"I'm glad to know," Jaemin said, smiling so brightly that Yumi thought nothing could beat the sincerity and happiness in that smile. "As for my answer, I believe that in a true friendship, they should be able to accept each other's differences. Regardless of their age or appearance or nationality or the choices they make—anything about them at all.

"If you can't accept that, how are you their friend, really? You don't have to like it. Just accept that it's a part of your friend and that's who they are, as long as it's not a horrible thing, like hurting other people, or something similar."

"You sound like you've had experience with that."

"Not really. I just believe in that. Friendships often transcend locations, ages, and even languages. We have plenty of friends in this school who aren't Korean, too."

"Good point," Yumi said. She was delighted to find that this time, the red wasn't visible as she dragged her brush over the area. A third coat really was the trick. "I agree with you on that one. What's the next question? It's which one now?"

"Seventeen," he said.



36 MINUTES TO FALL, jaemin ✓Where stories live. Discover now