04 | a perfect day

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What would constitute a 'perfect' day for you?

"A day where people weren't expecting me to be the smart good student who's perfectly mild-tempered and good-mannered," Yumi said without hesitation. "A day like that, a day where I can just chill in peace with my art...in other words, the kind of day that I can never have."

"Is it that bad?" Jaemin asked her. "I mean, I have expectations, too, but from the way you talk, it sounds like it has a good hold over a large part of your life."

"That's an understatement," she said bitterly, unsure why she was revealing so much to him. "It controls my entire life. In fact, this quiz is the first rebellious thing I've done in maybe three years. Out-and-out rebellious, anyway."

"How is this quiz a rebellious thing to do?"

"Do you have any idea how much trouble I'd be in if my parents found out I'm involved romantically with a boy?" she asked, her hand tightening on the brush. "Even if it's just a harmless little quiz like this...the nature of such a quiz...I'd be in more trouble than my life is worth."

"Don't you have any freedom?" Jaemin's voice is soft, concerned.

"As much a ten-year-old, maybe," she said, her words sharper than she intended. "But we're not here to talk about this. What about your perfect day?"

Jaemin seemed reluctant to drop the subject this time, but he obliged. "It's pretty much what anyone would wish for," he said. "A day where I could do whatever I wanted. It would be nicer if you were there with me, though. Just the two of us hanging out."

"Maybe we'll get to do that tomorrow," despite her darkened mood, Yumi had to smile. With every passing minute, Na Jaemin made more obvious how crazy he was about her. "How many minutes have passed?"

"Barely seven," Jaemin answered. "As for the fifth question?"



36 MINUTES TO FALL, jaemin ✓Where stories live. Discover now