3|| Lunch

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Me and Ava were sitting at our table during lunch laughing about the most random shit. She was telling me a story about some dude who tried hitting on her last year but ended up vomiting all over her designer dress. I laughed so hard at that and I don't even know why. She was about to finish her story but she stopped.

"Payton.. Don't freak out okay?"

"And why would I freak out?"

"Matthew and his friends are walking over."

"Say what now" I said as I was turning around to look. And just like Ava said, Matthew and his idiot friends were walking over to my table.

I can't go through this again bruh. They freaking left now granted that's my own fault but still. Honestly we were all really good friends in elementary and middle school. We hung out all the time. I hung out with Matthew the most, but after my parents started fighting and drinking I kinda sheltered myself from people. No one knows what happened they just all assume I think i'm too good for them. Not even close. After I saw my parents marriage failing I vowed that i'd never fall in love. So I distanced myself from everyone.

"Hello again Payton" Matthew said with a small grin on his face

"Again??" Ava looked between me and him in confusion

"I bumped into her earlier" Yea. He did.

"Oh" Is all Ava said

"Can we sit?" Logan spoke this time

"Yes you may" Ava answered for me with a stupid grin on her face looking at me. She knew what she was doing, I immediately stopped talking. I put my guard back up and made sure the rumors people say stay true. I'm fine with people thinking what they think about me, it keeps them away. But after 3 fucking years why do they suddenly want to talk to me?

Lunch went agonizingly slow. They tried getting me to talk, they tried so hard. They asked me questions and I'd give them 1 word responses. Matthew tried his best to stay calm and not snap at me but I could see I was pissing him off. I can't help it though. 3 years with no communication isn't gonna make me open up. Just because I bump into you doesn't mean I want to become besties with you.

While Matthew tried getting me to talk Blake, Jesse, Reese, and Logan started a conversation with Ava. I don't know exactly what they were talking about but Ava was smiling and nodding along with what they were saying.

"Payton" Matthew started to whine. I had to try so hard not to laugh. I'm sorry but he whined. "Why won't you talk to me"

"We haven't talked in 3 years and you expect me to open up to you?" I asked keeping my head down

"That's not my fault" He gave me a pointed look. He remembered.

"Well I have my reasons so"

"Can you forget your reasons and just talk to me? I'm not gonna dig for any information. I just want to be friends again?" Why after 3 years? What did I do that suddenly caught your attention.


"Why what?" He looked at me confused

"Why after 3 years do you suddenly see me as interesting enough to talk to?"

"Listen, in all honesty after you pushed us away I was pissed and hurt okay? I tried to forget about you. And I succeeded" I scoffed "But after bumping into you today I remembered you and all the memories came back flooding my mind. I miss you Payton" Fuck me. Why would someone miss me? I'm not worth it.

"Hm almost believable."

"Almost? Why wouldn't you believe me?"

"I don't know Matthew. You're the star QB of this school and you did amazing at ignoring my existence the first 3 years of high school. The jock then suddenly takes an interest in the schools nobody. How does that sound?" He stayed quiet "It sounds like a dare or a bet so I apologize if I don't trust you." I believe him though. I know who he is and I believe him but I can't just welcome people back into my life. They don't know what they would be getting.

"I understand" That's all he has to say. So much for fighting for this Matthew "But" but?
"That doesn't mean your assumptions are true. You see we used to be the best of friends right? Well when my bestest friend shuts me out what do I do? I forget about her because she hurt me right? Well when memories flood back, which i'm sure you've experienced. It's hard to forget after that correct? So you see, when the memories came back you were the only thing on my mind. Not a bet. Not a dare. Pure intentions I swear." god why did he want to be my friend so bad?

"You don't know who I am anymore. You wouldn't like who I am now." Ava heard this and looked over. Here we go.

Instead of telling me off she gave me a pointed look saying we'd talk about this later. I gave her a small smile and turned back to Matthew. He was just looking at me. He doesn't even know what I look like anymore. I need to find a way to make him leave me alone. Him wanting to become close again is a dangerous game that I don't wanna play.

"I won't know till I try" He says shrugging "Which means miss White that you're stuck with me." Oh great. This will be harder than I thought.

The bell rang before I could reply to that and I left the cafeteria immediately. That wasn't how I wanted my lunch to go. Me and Ava were having a good time before Matthew and the dimwits decided to come to my table. Why'd he have to do that. I can't allow this to happen. I can't throw away everything I've worked for. As I was walking to my next class I felt my phone buzz.


A: Meet me after school.

P: 👍🏻

This will be fun.


Idek atp just voice ur opinions in the comments 🥲

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