5|| Friends?

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I was not ready to talk to her. I mean I was shaking in my boots. Not literally but like you know what I mean. I was at my locker trying to get myself ready. I have this whole freaking plan ready. I just have to break her shell, she will come around eventually. Well I hope she does. If she doesn't i'll be left looking like an idiot.

I finally left my locker to go find her. I think she might be at her locker but it's close to first period so I don't know. I walked towards her locker anyway.

When I arrived at her locker she was not there. I should've seen that coming but I didn't. I'll just trap her at lunch. Well not trap but like, find her.

During class I couldn't focus. I was nervous and excited to talk to Payton. I'm gonna get a laugh because i'll piss her off but in the end I may have my best friend back. Right now she's very closed off. Like extremely but I think she just needs a little push. She'll come around eventually.

After my morning classes I started walking to the cafeteria. When I walked into the very crowded cafeteria I started looking for Ava or Payton. They're always together. It took me a few minutes but I eventually saw them sit at their table. I would've just sat there but I had a feeling Payton would see me and turn around.

I make my way over to the table and sit down. Payton looks up bringing her whole head with her because of her hood. She doesn't keep her head up though she looks back down. Ignoring me of course. I saw Reese, Blake, Jesse, and Logan so I waved them over. They nodded their heads and started walking over here. When they sit down Payton doesn't even glance up at them. This is gonna be fun.

Payton's Pov

I really hope Matthew gave up on his dream of becoming friends again. He just needs to leave me alone. He doesn't understand what he's putting himself through when he associates himself with me. To avoid him i'm gonna be doing what i've done best for 3 years. Staying invisible. For the first time in ages I was early to class. Not because I wanted to be there but because Matthew doesn't know my schedule.

Classes went by fairly quickly. I'm happy about that because i'm starving. I walk out to my class and Ava is standing there happily waiting for me. I walk over to her and we start walking to the cafeteria talking about random stuff. When we got to the full cafeteria relief flooded through me when I saw it was still empty.

We made our way to the table and pulled out our lunches. Not even 2 minutes later I hear a seat scrape on the floor. I glance up to see who is about to sit down and sadly I find out it's Matthew. I'm not in the mood to deal with him. I'm just glad none of his friends are with him.

I shouldn't have said that. Damn it! I jinxed myself. Reese, Jesse, Logan, and Blake all sit down. Blake immediately makes conversation with Ava. Not gonna lie they would be cute together. And Ava would finally feel more popular even when she's with me.

"Hey Payton" I obviously didn't answer him and kept eating my food. "Payyytttooooonnnn" Does this dude know how to take a hint? "Payton. Payton. Payton." i'm losing my mind "Pay pay" Ew "Payyyy payyy" "Payton come onnnnn" Can this dude shut up

"What. do. you. want."

"She speaks!" And he still isn't taking the hint.

"What do you want" I saw very monotoned

"To be friends"

"We already have been. It's been 3 years. Too little too late." I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see my face

"No not too late. You did a good job at disappearing that is not my fault. Don't try to blame it on me. I want to be friends again Payton. What can you lose from that?" A lot of things actually. I can't handle losing anyone else so I was the one to stop every friendship. I had a reason they just don't know that. And they don't need to know.

"I had reasons you know. They didn't change thanks for the offer though." I just can't believe his statements. He wants something and I don't wanna give it to him.

"I can show you I mean it. I know you won't let me in right away but I will work for your friendship. I'm not giving up on you." Why does he have to say stuff like that. It makes me wanna forgive him and engulf him in a hug.

"okay" How else do you reply to that. He literally just said he won't give up on me. I wanted to cry. I've never heard those words before. It's like being told someone's proud of you. It makes you happy. I know Ava has said it but it's different with her. She grew up wanting to protect me, so I don't hear it as often anymore.

The rest of lunch was kinda silent. He would try to talk to me and I would give half ass answers. After lunch he walked me to my class. I couldn't stop thinking about what he said. He most definitely will have to work for this friendship though. He is definitely not just walking back into my life. If he wants it he has to prove he wants it. I'm not gonna be a game that he stops playing with when I give in. He's gonna prove how much he wants this.

After school I went to Ava's car because I didn't feel like walking today. I saw that Blake was there too. He was talking to Ava. She's smiling and laughing at his jokes. When I saw how happy she was I turned around. I changed my mind I feel like walking.

I shot her a text saying I was walking instead. I needed to think. She looked so happy with him. He's popular. I know that not why but maybe he's making her realize she would rather be with those types of people. I can't lose her. I tell her she can leave but I don't want her too. Shes my best-friend. I can't live without her.

I walked in on the daily argument my parents have. Today it was about my dad spending too much money and he doesn't agree. So now they're fighting in the kitchen. I went upstairs and put my headphones in. I started my homework and tried my best to ignore them.


Hey guys sorry it took so long to get this chapter out.

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