8|| Advice

16 1 0


Okay, so Payton freaked out on me a little bit. No big deal right. I mean she said she'd think about it. That's a step up from straight up ignoring me. Honestly, I don't know the exact thing that drew me to her. I mean I let her leave before. Why should I be seeking her out after all this time? If I were asked that my answer would be simple. I don't know . I've asked myself so many times it's humorous at this point. It's just something about her. I can't see her face but the way she stands and the way that without her face you can tell her emotion. She has that power to her presence. She's tiny but she has that aura. It's powerful and draws people in. How does she not have any friends? How does she manage to push everyone away? Again, all good question I just don't know the answer too.

Anyway, I need to come up with a damn plan that will make her trust me. I'm not trying to play her. I don't know how anyone could want too. I mean she doesn't show her face, which is a bummer, and she doesn't talk much. I just don't understand how someone could want to hurt her in such a way when she's obviously still broken over something. I need to talk with Ava. Ava knows things. That's it, that's my plan. Talk to Ava for help. I mean Ava is the only person Payton talks too, so Ava has to know basically everything about her. This is perfect, perfect, perfect, perfect.


After 3rd period I basically zoomed to the cafeteria to try to catch Ava by herself. From what i've seen they meet up in the cafeteria, so they don't walk in together. Therefore I have the perfect opportunity to slip in and converse with Ava before Payton is even there.

I catch Ava about to walk in and basically scream her name in the middle of the hallway. "Ava! Wait!" She turns around searching for the face of the person who just screamed her name. It's obviously not a voice she recognizes because she looks confused. She finally makes eye contact with me as i'm closer to approaching.

"What's up?" She asked me very skeptically, which hurt my feelings. Not really, I'm just dramatic.

"Can't a guy just want to talk to a very nice lady in the middle of the hallway before lunch?" I ask very innocently. She gives me the look that all girls give at-least one guy in a lifetime. The look that tells you 'stop being stupid and tell me what you want'

"I don't believe they can. Especially when 'said guy' isn't really 'said ladys' friend"

"Wow, that one hurt" I looked at her pretending to be hurt before I finally told her what I needed "okfineIneedyourhelptogetPaytontotrustmesowecanbefriendsagain" I am so out of breath right now it's not even funny. She looks at me confused before I realize I said that all in one breath and she probably didn't even understand a single word I said. "Sorry, I need your help to get Payton to trust me so that we can be friends again"

"Why me?" Is she stupid?

"Maybe because you're the only person Payton fucking talks to. You have to know basically everything about her. So.. tell me. How do I win Miss Payton over?" She just stared at me for a moment doing an internal debate with herself before she took a deep breath and started talking.

"Okay fine, but if you tell her I said anything I will find you and slit your throat while your sleeping." She gave me one of those innocent smiles all girls have. "First, you can try telling her things about your life that seem personal. I don't mean too personal, just things that would make someone trust you. Now don't think that because you share your personal story that, that means she will do the same." That doesn't seem fair but at this point i'm desperate. "Don't try any gestures. She hates attention. Keep it lowkey and personal, she likes that kind of thing." She paused to think of more. "She likes sentimental things, and things that make her feel like she matters. Oh, don't bring up her family life or her home life it's too personal. Don't ask why she stopped talking to people and don't talk about understanding her pain. As you've found out the hard way."

"So basically make her feel like she's wanted without bringing her personal life into it?"

"Basically yea. Now, I don't know why you suddenly want to be her friend, or what motives you have. But let me make one thing real clear. She has been through hell and back and I will not let you hurt her. She doesn't deserve any ulterior motives so if you have some walk away now before you lose your life. I know boys like you think it's funny to fuck around with girls feelings, but not all girls have psycho friends like Payton. If you fuck around with her feelings i'll fuck around and sell your organs on the black market. Understood?" Damn, Ava has some guts

"Yes, maam. But just so you know I have no ulterior motives. I seriously want Ava back in my life. Sure, I forgot about her after she disappeared for a little, but the second we bumped into eachother in the hallway I swear everything came back. I remember the fun we had and all the things we did. She is someone that I want back in my life for good reasons. Just because i'm on the football team doesn't mean I have the same fucked up thoughts as the rest of them." I didn't expect to go off on Ava like that, but this is one thing i'm not messing up. I want Payton back and I'm not gonna let Ava think of me as an asshole who treated her friend wrong. I'm doing this the right way. I'm getting my Payton back if it's the last thing I do.

"I'll believe you for now.. but the second you become an asshole to her, you're dead"

"Understood" I did the salute thing to her and she rolled her eyes and turned to walk into the cafeteria. I waited a few minutes before walking in so they didn't think anything. The last thing I need is for Payton to know Ava is helping me. I have an advantage now and i'm sooo gonna use it.

"Hey guys, how has y'all's days been?"

"Hey" they all said in unison... except Payton of course. Then I heard a mixture of goods, bads, and ehs as response to the how was your day question. I sat down next to Payton like I have been doing and start talking to her.

"Hey, Are you free Friday night?"



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