21|| gucci gang

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Ava and I were still hugging when the boys came back into the room.

"Avaaaa" Blake stomped into the room whining and I laughed way harder than I should have.

"So you're dating a baby now?" I look over at him and he put a hand over his heart and acted offended.

"Yeah" Ava responded as she was going to hug him. It was the cutest thing i've seen in a while. She went up to him and he immediately engulfed her and nuzzled his face in her neck.

A few seconds later the rest of the guys walked in. "we were gonna give you more time, but we got hungry" Logan shrugged while walking to Matthew's pantry.

Matthew came over to me and put his arm around my shoulder "you ok?" I started blushing for absolutely no reason and nodded my head to his question.

"Matti? Where is all the good food?" Reese yelled over his shoulder

"Look around" Matti answered

"I have been! there's absolutely nothing."

"That's too bad. You're just gonna have to starve to death." He said with a straight face and I rolled my eyes and slapped his arm. "oww" he acted all hurt and rubbed his arm

"Go find your friend food" I pointed toward Reese and Matti reluctantly obeyed and went in search for food.

"I like her." Reese said "You should talk more often" He walked over and slung his arm where Mattis was "You know if Matti screws up I might steal you." I started laughing and Matti scoffed and shook his head

"I'm over here finding you food and you're trying to steal my girl." I froze for a second because we haven't even talked about the kiss. We haven't become official or anything but he just referred to me as his. A smile started to overtake my face and I started laughing again.

After about 15 minutes of the guys arguing over food, Ava and I left the kitchen to sit on the couches.

"They are literal 5 year olds" I say while laughing

"That they are" Ava agreed

"Who are?" Logan asked while they all walked in the living room

"You 5"

"Hey!" Logan faked offense and frowned at me

"It's true." I looked at him with the most serious face I could make.

"You know just for that i'm going to have to-" He didn't finish his sentence before he jumped on me causing me to scream

"Logan! What the hell" He was hysterically laughing at this point

"You deserved it meanie"

"You literally act 5 years old! I'm not mean I'm truthful" I laughed while I tried to push him off "Now get off of me!"

"Meanie" he muttered while reluctantly rolling of me right onto the floor. He sat up and went into criss cross applesauce "Oh em gosh.. guys! We need like a super cool squad name!"

"A what name?" Ava asked

"A super cool squad name! You know like.. Um.. If someone was to come up to us they'd call us something." He very badly explained

"No." Matthew said

"Yes Matthew O'conner." He replied

"What would we be called?" I asked

"Do not encourage him!" Matthew said

"Let the man live bro" Reese said backing Logan up

"Yeah Matthew! We should be called... the Gucci Gang."

"I think not." Jesse finally spoke

"I say.. why not" I said

"You encourage him and will regret it deeply one day." Blake said but laughed nonetheless "I agree with Payton"

"Then I say yes too" Ava said

"That three yeses! Matti? Reese?" he said with so much hope in his eyes. Logan is far too excited over a squad name

"Whatever" Matti rolled his eyes

"Yes let's do it." Reese agreed

"Y'all are all idiots." Jesse muttered under his breath

"Have fun sometimes Jesse! No one likes a party pooper"

"Plenty of people like me actually" Jesse retorted

"No. They don't. No one does."

"Hey, I like him" Matthew said

"No one asked you Matthew!" Logan yelled

Me and Ava were dying of laughter at this point. I don't know the guys that well.. Okay I don't know them at all but they are super funny and sweet. This is the first time i've had this long of a conversation with them. It's also a first without my hoodie and I never expected to enjoy it.

My hoodie became my safe place. My saving grace that kept me from putting myself out there. It was there to protect me from heartbreak and here I am. No hoodie and i'm conversing with my old friends. The people I thought I'd never talk to again.

It's crazy how much they've already changed my life. How they managed to make me come out of my shell a little bit. I may not be ready to go to school without my hoodie but I would never have taken it off at someone else's house before.

The crazy part is I never thought I would have a potential boyfriend. I don't know where Matti and I's relationship will head or how it will end but i'm okay with waiting it out.

"Payton?" Ava's voice brought me out of my thoughts

"What's up?"

"You zoned out." She gave a short laugh and rubbed my knee reassuringly. She knows how this is all knew and she's just making sure i'm okay. I put my hand on top of hers to let her know i'm not struggling. I'm struggling a lot less than I expected honestly.

Realizing this I only felt proud of myself for how far i've come in so little time. The thoughts of my mother in the hospital and my dad not in jail were there today. I was free of all bad thoughts. I was happy.

It's been so long since I felt happy and I missed this feeling so much.

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