23|| Matti...

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If you would have told me 6 months ago that i'd have my old friends back and a boyfriend I would have laughed in your face and called you crazy. Although, I don't entirely know if Matti is my boyfriend. After he pulled me into the room to talk about the kiss in the park, we were interrupted by Reese. I want to talk with him more but his friends won't leave. It's been 4 freaking hours. 4.

Don't get me wrong, i'm starting to really love hanging out with these people, but I really want to talk to Matti. I need closure. I can't relax till I get it. It's bad enough that I have to worry about whether or not my mom is going to survive, but now I have to worry about whether or not Matti actually wants to be with me. So as much as I love these people, I want them out.

I tap Matti on the shoulder and whisper in his ear "tell them to leave." He turns to look me in the eyes and he immediately starts smiling. He opens up his arms for me to sit in his lap but I stay standing. He obviously doesn't like this because his smile drops and he starts looking at me all sad.

"Awww Matti is giving Pay Pay his puppy dog eyes!"


Matti looks away and gives Reese a death stare that looks more like he's trying to undress him with his eyes. It's fucking adorable.

While he's distracted I sit in his lap and he puts his arm around my waist to pull me in closer. I rest my head on his shoulder and have to fight to stay awake. I whisper "make them leave." one more time to see if he'll finally listen. He kisses my forehead and whispers "I can try.. pretend to sleep." I do as i'm told and nuzzle into his neck. To sell the show I open my mouth a bit to make the sleeping face movies show.

When I exhale onto his neck I actually feel him stiffen. Like when you read those books and they say all that mushy gushy stuff. I have to stop myself from laughing.

"Guys, I think it's time for y'all to go. Payton fell asleep and i'm close to doing the same." I hear Matti say

"Yeah yeah.. y'all just want to have sex. But whatever. We'll leave for you horny teenagers." I can only assume this was Reese.

"Reese. Get out of my house. Now."

"Hey man I was only kidding. No need to get your little female panties in a twist."

"Reese come on man. Let's just go." I'm assuming that was Logan.

"See, Logan gets it. Now get out"

"Blake go pick up your girlfriend she fell asleep." That was Jesse I think

"Ava.. Wake up baby" I love how gentle Blake is with her. I don't have to worry about him doing anything to hurt her.

"Anyone down to go on an ice cream run?" That was most definitely Reese. I hear their footsteps get quieter as they retreat to the door and then finally.. the door closes.

"They're gone" Matti says and starts laughing

"What's so funny" I say pushing his chest and sitting up.

"Nothing nothing, you're just cute" he says and boops my nose. Literally. Boops. My. Nose.

"Listen, we need to talk."

His smile drops and then he looks worried. "About?"

"What happened earlier."

"What about earlier? I thought we were on the same page?" He seems genuinely confused

"On the same page? We didn't even talk"

"Yeah but that kind of thing doesn't really need words to be communicated." He is such a male.

"For me it does."

"Okay.. what does that mean?"

"Matti.. I have never had a single stable relationship in my entire life. I don't know these things. I don't know what kissing someone in their bedroom or in public at the park means for our relationship. I need words. I need closure. I need a conversation."

"So I can't just kiss you to make you understand that I like you? That i'm interested in you? What other reasons do you kiss someone?"


"That's what you thought I was doing? Trying to get rid of boredom or something ?"

"Well.. not exactly? I don't know what I thought." 

He grabs my face and makes me look at him. "Payton. Listen to me. I like you. Okay? Understood? I kissed you because I didn't realize what I was missing by letting you walk away."

I just stare at him because I don't know what to say.

He gives me a little smile to reassure that he doesn't need me to say anything. "Are you tired?" he asks

"Yeah a little. Why?" He stands up taking me with him and grabs my hand.

"Let's go" He leads me out of the living room and up the stairs.

"Your friends finally left?" My soul actually leaves my body. Matti's mom pops her head out of her room.

"Yes mom they left."

"It's about time." I laugh at that because I was thinking the same thing "Have a good night Matti, love you!"

"Love you too mom"

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