11|| Dance Dance Revolution

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"I understand. I basically went through the same thing..." I don't know what i'm doing but he just told me he went through a bunch of stuff at home and it makes me want to share. He also gives off this vibe that makes me want to tell him. It's very comforting. "My parents fought too it just hasn't been fixed yet. It's not as bad though" Yes it is "It's less and less everyday, you know" He nodded in understanding. I cleared my throat "um it's your turn to bowl" I realize that we haven't even played since I did the first turn.

Okay.. so I told him a little bit of my personal life... No big deal right? I mean I fibbed a bit. The fighting most definitely hasn't calmed down. It's every morning. Every afternoon. Every damn night. It's whenever they're together. They are always bickering. I don't understand why my mom won't just leave my dad or vice versa. I mean wouldn't we all be happier. Honestly i'd be so much happier living with my grandma, which it has been offered but my parents said no.

Matthew came to sit back down after his turn and I got up to play. I kept getting strikes while he kept hitting 1-8 pins. At the end of the game I couldn't stop laughing because I beat him by like 100 points. He just sat there with a frown on his face until I could pull myself together. "Payton. It is not that funny" I was finally pulling myself together but when he said that I just kept laughing.

"I.... am.... so..... sorry... I.... can't.... stop.." I managed to choke out a sentence in between my laughter which just made him more pissed off. After another 5 minutes I finally stopped laughing at him. I wiped my face off because I laughed so hard I started crying. Now of course he didn't know that until I started wiping my face and of course he made that face people make when they're silently saying 'are you kidding me' luckily I didn't laugh at that because I don't think I could've stopped.

"Do you wanna play in the arcade for a bit?" That actually sounds really nice. I mean it's a friend activity it's not like he's asking for my hand in marriage. I can be friends. I can do this.

"Yeah sure" He smiled at that and took my bowling shoes to return them. After he returned the shoes we made our way over to the arcade. He bought me a card because i'm broke and can't afford one. I didn't tell him that, he luckily offered but it works out.

We walk into the arcade and the second I saw Dance Dance Revolution I ran to it. I didn't care that I looked like a child running to the ice cream truck. Dance Dance Revolution is the best arcade game ever. Matthew laughs as he catches up to me and stands on the player two side. I scroll through the songs and pick 'Ice Ice Baby' because why not.

The music starts to play and I get into position. Hands on the back bar and feet in the middle. I start off amazing, like always getting perfects and all that. When I look over, Matthew is struggling and I try so hard not to laugh at him. When the song finishes it gives us a score. I got an A and he got a D. I hit next and chose a random song.

The song starts playing and it's a lot faster than 'Ice Ice Baby.' Even I am having difficulty keeping up. It has me jumping, spinning, and twisting around. And it just gets harder. As i'm jumping and spinning my hood spontaneously falls off my face and I immediately stop dancing. Matthew turns to me because I stopped. He sees my face and he stops too. He just stares for a second as I reach for my hood.

"Oh my god." He's speechless. My hood is almost over my head when he keeps talking "Wait. Why are you putting it back on?" I'm stunned by that question. I mean no one has gotten the opportunity to ask me that because my hood has never fallen off. I've never worried about it. "You shouldn't" He shrugged his shoulders as he turns away.

"Why not?" I ask in a skeptical tone

"Because, your face is pretty" I try not to blush at that but I haven't had much practice with flirting. I'm not ready for it yet tho. So despite his words I put the hood back on. He looks at me and I couldn't tell but I think a bit of disappointment flashed through his eyes. When he turned away I pulled the hood a little less off my face. I may not be ready for all of it to come off but baby steps.

He started acting like the hoodie incident didn't happen at all and i'm very thankful for that. We go around the arcade playing all the games and laughing. I haven't had this much fun in so long. I miss having friends to hangout with and talk too. It's really nice having a day to re-live that.

Now i'm not one of those girls who can just change their lifestyle and go back to it. But I can take baby steps to get there. I still don't fully trust Matthew and I won't be taking my hood off anytime soon but I think I am going to give him a chance. I'm warmed up to him now and having another friend won't be too bad.

We were at the arcade for 3 hours. 3 hours of nothing but jokes and laughing. It was a really nice time. When we left and parted ways to our cars I couldn't stop smiling behind my hoodie. I had so much fun. On my way home I turned on some music and jammed out to my favorite songs. I pulled my hoodie down so my vision was clear on the road.

When I got home I walk inside and when I see nobody downstairs I go up to my room. I close the door and walk to my bed. I sit down and pull out my phone to text Ava. I tell her all about what we did and how I feel. She is really happy for me. I am too if i'm being honest. I always thought I'd be alone for the rest of my life and I used to be comforted by that but now i'm comforted by the thought that I could have friends again.



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