24|| Let go of me!

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Last night was the best night of sleep i've had in a long time. Sleeping next to Matti brings me a sense of calm. Being wrapped in his arms makes me feel secure and like nothing bad can happen.

At least that's what I thought this morning. We woke up and it was normal. We ate our breakfast and started our day but it came to a very abrupt stop. After breakfast we went back to his room to watch a movie. About halfway through the movie my phone starts ringing.

"Is this Payton White?"

"Yes, how can I help you?"

"This is the hospital.. we have news about your mom."

"What about my mom?"

"She didn't make it honey." It's almost like all time freezes.

"What? No, that's not possible. She was getting better. Wasn't she?"

"The only progress she made was waking up. Nothing was healing properly and it ended up taking her life."

"I don't understand how she could have died."

"She was pretty beat up sweetie. That fall must've been really bad." Right. They think it was a stupid fall when it was really my idiot father.

"We need someone to collect her stuff. Her husband has not answered the phone, so I don't think he'll make it." How could my dad not show up to his dead wife's hospital room.

"Right of course. I'll try to come by later today."

"I'm sorry for your loss."

"Yeah, thank you." and then I hung up. "I'm going out."

"What? Where?" Matti asks

"I just.. I need to leave."

"Let me come with you." Matti starts standing up

"No. I'm just going to see my dad. I'll be back." I need to let him know how much of a moron he is.

"Payton, he put your mom in the hospital. You're really just going to see him by yourself?"

"Matti, my mom died and he didn't even fucking show up to collect her stuff."

"Okay, let me come with you."

"Fine. But you are staying outside. I need to talk to him alone."

"Fine, but the second I hear screaming i'm coming in."

We walk towards the door and hop into his car. He drives me to my house and I don't even bother knocking. "Dad?" I walk around and try to find him. This house is a giant mess. Beer bottles everywhere. "Dad?! Come out here!" I hear a thud and then some footsteps.

"Who's there?!" He slurs

"Your daughter."

He laughs "My daughter wouldn't show her face here. She's too much of a coward for that."

"Well i'm right here."

He finally makes it to the living room and sees me. "What do you want?" He spits out at me

"I want to know why the fuck you didn't show up for mom. She died and you didn't even have the courtesy to collect her stuff. It's bad enough that you put her in the hospital but now you can't even collect her stuff so someone else can use the room? Instead you're just sitting at home drunk! How selfish do you need to b-"

I didn't get a chance to finish my sentence before his hand was around my throat and my back was against the wall. "You listen here, daughter. I don't know who you think you are but I am the adult here. You don't get to speak to me like that. It's none of your goddamn business what happened to your mother, and it sure as hell is not your place to come lecter me about not being there. You left her first."

I try to suck in and breath and he only seems to tighten his grip on me. "You were always so ungrateful. You never appreciated anything me or your mother did for you. All you ever did was sit in your room and allow your mother to take all the punishment. Our lives would have been so much better if you were never born. Why don't you just do everyone a favor and die already." After he said that his grip got even tighter and I couldn't breath. I was clawing at his hands trying to make him let go but he wouldn't budge.

"Let..." I could only get one word out at a time "me.." I was struggling to get enough breath to finish talking "go.."

"Why would I let you go. If I just hold on a little longer my problems would disappear." Suddenly I wish I let Matti come inside. I wish I had enough willpower to scream so he would come inside.

I wonder how long I've been in here. It's obviously not long enough that Matti is worried about me.

"You were never supposed to make it out of your mother stomach. I told her to get rid of you before it was too late. She wouldn't listen. Although I don't entirely understand why she kept you. She didn't pay much attention to you."

I'm trying really hard not to let anything he is saying to me hurt me too bad. It's very difficult though. "Please.." Is the last thing I said before the door slams open.

"Payton? It's been a little bit. Where are you?" I couldn't speak so I kind of hit the wall. It was a weak attempt but it made a sound at-least. When he rounds the corner he sees the position i'm in. "Payton!"

He runs up to us and tries to pull my dad off of me. It takes a little bit because my dad was really trying to murder me, but he eventually got me out of my fathers grasp. I immediately inhale and try to catch my breath.

"What the hell? What is wrong with you man! Are you trying to murder your entire family?!"

My dad laughs at that "If I wanted to do that it would have already happened."

"Newsflash buddy- your wife is dead because of you and you almost killed your daughter. It seems to me that you were trying to murder your family."

"You don't know anything" My dad retorts. Matti doesn't let him say anything else before he punches him square in the face.

"If you ever touch Payton again, I will kill you."

"She came to me. It was her choice."

"No. You were the one who chose to put your hands on her. This is your fault, not hers." He punches my father one more time before he turns to me.

"You son of bitch." My dad spits out a bit of blood on the floor

"Payton? Are you okay?"

I nod my head so I don't have to speak. "Okay, Come on baby" He puts his hand out for me to take and he leads me outside. We get back in his car and just sit there for a second. My eyes fill with tears as the weight of what just happened is revealed to me.

My father almost killed me.

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