Chapter 1

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Hello everyone/ this is a new story based on an edit i saw on instagram so i hope there's no hate since it's kavin and thyme not bw or gorya thyme .

I really wanted to make it as a story with the help of my friend , so i hope you like it as much as I enjoyed writing it .

Let's begin:

Thyme pov :

Hello , I'm thyme the leader of f4 , let me introduce myself properly.

I can be reckless sometimes and bad , I could just hit you for looking at me .

But I'm not that bad , or a player because i have my eyes on someone.

There he is laughing with the gang
I walked towards the gang , sat on the sofa they're gathered on .

"Hey ! "
I'll introduce you to the gang first

On my left there's ren , our nice boy the calm of all the gang we can come  to him anytime for an advice , yet sometimes he can get a bit annoying with his talks , he acts like he's older than us .

And that on the left of me there's MJ the calm boy also , but we barely hear his voice of course he looks kind of like a gangster but he has the nicest heart , he's best friends with kavin who's sitting next to him .

MJ was joking with him and kavin hit his shoulder .

And finally there's kavin , he's the best and the sweetest person kavin is that person when you need help he can come counsel you comfort you and help you when he can .

But , there's one thing negative about him , kavin is a player .

You can see him with a girl one day and the next day with another .

But i know for sure that they're not lovers , they're only to spend time with and I'm really pissed off about it .

" hey ! Thyme !"
MJ calls me
I snapped out while i was spacing out at kavin

"What ?"
MJ hit me on the shoulder and smiled

" what's wrong with you ? Acting so weird now"

"It's nothing really, i have lots of stuff going on on my mind "

"Ohhh , i know what's on your mind "
Mj teased as he looked at kavin and smiled

"No ! It's not that !!!"

I looked back at kavin and saw him staring at me .

"And you , haven't you got enough with one girl and now you have two?"

There was two girls sitting next to him , they moved away and i smirked in victory .

Kavin comes on me grabbing me from the collar , he got angry because i kicked away the two girls .

"What's wrong with you man ? Why did you kick out the chics ? Ohhh i got it now , it's because they're hitting on me not you huh ! "

" you know exactly what i want kavin"
I said calmly but annoyed

" what you want isn't real or exists at all , what d you want me to do ? "

Before i could speak ren cuts me off

"Guys relax , how - how about we go and have a nice meal together? What do you say ?i'm hungry aren't you MJ?"

Mj looked at ren in confusion

"Hah? Hungry? Ohhh yes I'm starving !"
He grabbed his stomach and whined

"Then let's go have a good meal and forget about this ok"

See ? This is what kavin is , he's being unconsidered towards my feelings not giving a shit to me .

Our relationship screwed up many times because of this , No because of him .

I already confessed my feelings to him but i got rejected .
I know it's sad but I'll have to deal with it on my own .

"Thyme !!!"
Mj pats my shoulder to snap me out , i was spacing out again


"We're here ! I was calling you for half an hour now and you weren't answering me ! What's wring with you man ? "

"Nothing "
I stuttered

"Get off the car, were here let's go eat "

We arrived to my house , i told the maids to make everything that kavin likes to eat so he can enjoy it .

As soon as he saw the food his face was glowing. With the most beautiful smile i have ever seen .

I sat down and watch him eat as i placed my hands under my chin watching him smiling and eating happily .

And for me , I enjoyed just seeing him eat i was full .

I pouted as he pouted when the food wasn't close to him , i placed the plate next to him and smiled .

He's looking so cute when he's eating .


End of chapter 1

What will thyme do to win kavin's heart ?

And will he be able to win him ?

Let's see on the next chapter

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