Chapter 24

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At the university :

Thyme and kavin were walking in the hallways of the university.

"Tonight we'll go on a date I'll pick you up later "
Thyme said as he winked and clicked his tongue.

Thyme wanted to surprise kavin since  what happened last night to make it up for him .

Kavin went to class with MJ as they sat down on the chair MJ started questioning kavin over and over the same question every time .

"So did you guys do it ? Tell me !"

Kavin blushes remembering last night

"Shut up the professor is gonna see us "

Kavin nervously replied

"So what ? I don't care he can't do nothing to us , tell me now ! Did you guys do it??"

Kavin blushes again looking down

"No, I wasn't ready for it "

"I freaking knew it , actually after you left me and ren bet on it last night ren said that thyme's gonna do it because he can't hold back but i told him he won't do it because you're not really tho thyme is whipped enough to do it"

" how dare you bet on me ???? You guys have no shame betting on my sexual life ?"

Mj pouts in sadness.

As the lecture ends mj and kavin leave meeting ren and thyme at their spot .

Mj came in happily spreading his arm towards ren who's annoyed looking at MJ.

"Hand me the cash ren "
Mj said As ren huffed and growled giving him a big amount of money in his hand , it was about 5000 baht .

"You really bet on me ??"
Thyme said looking at ren and mj in confusion.

"Next time you do it , i lost 5000 baht because of you !!"
Ren said in annoyance .

"Nobody told you to bet !!"
Both thyme and kavin said at the same time .

Thyme stares at kavin fir few seconds then adjusts kavin's messy hair .

"Your hair was a bit messy "
He smiles , grabs kavin's stuff and kisses him on the cheek.

"Eewww why are you so whipped bro ?"
Mj and ren say

" i do what i want don't barge in my life "

As they all head to the place they always go upstairs on the couch .

They sit down when suddenly thyme bites his lip confessing he wants to go to the restroom.

"I wanna go to the restroom, wanna come with me kav?"
He winked

"No thanks "
Kavin already knew what thyme wants .

"Come on , how am i gonna go alone ?"
He pouted and gave him the puppy eyes .

Kavin huffs and follows thyme who's dragging him to the restroom.
As they walk in thyme kicks out two boys who were washing their hands and closes the door .

The boys run immediately scared of thyme .

Thyme pushes kavin to the wall as he kisses him softly on the lips .

"I was thinking about you the whole lecture you know ?"

They kiss again , their lips were getting wet and the atmosphere in the place getting hot as they both kiss passionately about to eat each other's lips .

My shooting star ( kavin and thyme ) Where stories live. Discover now