Part 11

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Kavin pov

It's been a week already , thyme and gorya were normal at first but now I'm noticing weird stuff happening , gorya doesn't even look at thyme at all .
Hufff he can do better .

Don't think I'm annoyed or jealous at all i mean he's my friend i have to pay attention to his relationships and his whereabouts.

And don't get me wrong but i think gorya likes ren , she looks at him all the time with these weird looks and thyme doesn't give a shit to it , when they're together with us thyme only grabs his phone and doesn't even pay attention to gorya .

I'm really doubting their relationship , maybe they had a fight or something because the whole thing is weird and also ren , he gets nervous around her and when she looks at him .
Don't be surprised I've been observant to the whole situation i feel bored so I'm doing that .

Wait i have an idea

"Thyme ! "
I called him as i waved

"Yeah ? "

"Say thyme , did you guys fight or something? "
I asked thyme as he looked at her in confusion, she looked back in confusion as well .

"Oiii guys don't be like that , fights aren't good in relationships make up come on "

"We're ok , don't worry about us we're doing great "

I looked him in the eye then continued

"If you're really doing good you can kiss her "

Au pov
Kavin's looks were challenging mixed up with jealousy .
Thyme's moving eyes towards kavin nervously .

The whole atmosphere was tens because of kavin's order .
Thyme on the other hand was angry yet trying to hide his anger clenching his fingers staring at kavin.
Kavin noticed thyme's clenching hands when thyme relized that kavin was looking at him he un clinched his fingers and sat properly .

Kavin smirked putting his legs together like a winner in a big challenge.

"In knew it "
He said in a low voice tone .

Thyme gulped then said in a low toned voice yet annoyed

"This is what you want huh?"

Kavin on the other hand gets nervous thinking why thyme is doing this ? Is he really gonna do it ?

"Uh - i mean why not ?"
I said hesitating as I stutter

Thyme shakes his head like he was hurt by his words , pulling gorya for a kiss .

That was surprising!!!

Kavin was just looking at them kissing , surprised , hurt , and feeling something really bad in his heart he clinched his hand.

Thyme pulled back and looked at kavin and he smiled as he looked like he's the one who won the challenge not kavin .

Back to kavin pov
I - i felt something squeezing my heart inside as he pulled her for the kiss , it hurt me so much I can't bare it at all .

This is my first time seeing thyme kissing someone and it felt weird .

Am i really getting jealous over this? No , no way that's ridiculous it can't be .

Then why my heart hurts this much ?
Why am i acting this way? What does it have to do with me ?

I stood up immediately as I turned away .

"I'm going now , i have a lecture coming now gotta go "

I ran off to the restroom, as i watched my reflection on the mirror.

I washed my face trying to snap of it  , i took a deep breath

Why am i hurt? What the fuck is this feeling ?

No god please you know I can't love him , don't let me fall for him please I don't want that .

I left the restroom as i watched them from afar the whole thing was back to normal but still gorya was being weird with her looks at ren .

Ren clearly was nervous because of her looks .
He was uncomfortable .

I went home sat on my bed when i got a call from my mom

"Hello mae ?"

"Hello , how are you doing?"

"Nothing much , staying home all day "

"That's good , don't forget yourself grounded "

I smirked as i said ok to her then she hung up .

I lied on the bed staring at the ceiling wondering why did i get annoyed by a kiss ? I mean i was the one who told him to do it .
I checked his ig there was nothing abnormal in there so I decided to grab a bite and take a shower .

I told the maids to cook my favorite foods and set them on the table .

I took a bath after that , i went out with a towel around my torso wiping my hair with another.

i gasped when i saw thyme on my bed

"What the fuck!!! You scared the shit out of me ! Why - how ? "

"The maids !"
He said confidently

I quickly covered my body , he checked my body from the top to the bottom and gluped .

"What brought you here? Why don't you go to your girlfriend?"

"I - i called you and I couldn't reach you - your phone was off, I'm here to invite you to talay's party tomorrow "

"What ? Wait my phone isn't off. ! "

"I don't know , i called and it was off so I decided to come here and tell you face to face "

I put my hands together thinking 

"Is your girlfriend coming?"
I asked

He laughed and shook his head

"And why do you care ?"

He said in sarcasm

"I'm not saying that i care!!! I'm just curious that's all "

"Yes , she's coming so you're not coming because she's coming ?"

"It's not that ! Alright I'm coming "

He smiled and chuckled

"Good boy "

I blushed as he came  towards me ruffling my hair
Then left

I miss this feeling

End of chapter 11

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