Chapter 14

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Kavin pov:

I'm now packing my bags to leave to the US , I'm all stressed out of all thats happiness i feel trapped .

My parents forcing me to leave and I don't see any reason to disobey them anymore .

Thyme already got goray by his side .

I admit , i have feelings for him but it's too late for me now to tell him how i feel , my feelings are worthless now .

A tear dropped as i wiped it forcefully.

My life at university is unbearable, thyme is getting involved with talay of course thyme is strong and can handle anything, but when talay's parents own half of the profits of the university it would be hard for him to deal with that .

Everyone in the university knows the war between them, it was calm and now it started again because of me .

So I decided to leave , it's better for me to start a new life also forgetting him would be easy and try to move on like he did with gorya .

I hope he's happy with her , i really wish them the best of luck together.

I finished packing my bags and placed them on the floor .

I left to the university, my last day with them - the flight will be at 11 pm so i have time to finish everything.

As soon as i arrived i found the f4 boys , thyme wasn't there

"Hey where's thyme "
I asked ren

"He went to the bathroom, he had a fight this morning with talay's gang and he got hurt , but don't worry it's just a simple cut on his lip nothing big "

There he comes, it's all my fault loon at him his lips were half bleeding .

"Hey are you ok? Did they hurt you ? "

"I'm ok , no worries it's just a simple cut , you should take care of yourself "
Thyme said cupping my cheeks and then continued
"What's important that i gave them an unforgettable lesson. You should see them they were scared to death  "
He softly smiled .

Finished school and went back home , i felt guilty and bad for him - it's all my fault it's me who got him into this .

I'm the one who agreed to meet talay thinking that he was a good guy .

I hate it , I can't stop but blame myself for what happened! He got beaten because of me , hurt himself because of me .

"You're my friend kavin, if I'm not standing for you who's gonna do it ?"
I remembered what he said as i sat on my bed thinking about it .

Urghhh , i grunted and slapped my face few times and sighed .
I wanna meet him and tell him everything.

Now i have one more thing to finish before my flight today .

I have to talk to him , tell him how i feel I don't want to keep it inside me anymore .
At least the heavy weights on my shoulders and the guilt will go away .

I called him

"Hey thyme "

"Oh hi kav , what's up?"

"I want to see you now , just both of us i have something important to talk to you about "

"Ok , where ?"

We decided to meet at a quite restaurant nearby
I took a shower and got ready to meet him I was nervous and anxious to say it .
Ok here we go ....

At the restaurant:

" look thyme i have something to tell you, it's really serious and i hope you would understand it "

His eyes looked serious at First as he knotted his eyebrows.

"What is it ? You're scaring me !"

I took a deep breath then exhaled fidgeting my fingers then said it

"You won thyme , you finally won you got my heart but it's too late now i know it's late to tell you that"

Thyme didn't even say a word and his eyes were wide open in shock , he kept staring at me while i talked i just wanted to runaway .

As i continued
"I can get over you don't worry , just like you did , I'm strong you know i can handle this don't worry about me .ah and take care of gorya like you took care of me in the past , take care "

I stood   , he looked broken , sad and shocked from there, why is he like that? Isn't he supposed to be happy after clearing everything between us ?

I gave him a last hug and walked away heading to the air port .

I got in the car , I remembered every moment with him and the boys

(Man ! Stop flirting with him )

( You hurt me kavin ? Why don't you understand how i feel about you ?)

(Oh look ! Thyme is so in love hahah )

( omg they're kissing)

I remember his looks to me when I pretended not to look back .

I was so stupid, i lost my chance when i had it right infront of me .

I was too late to know my feelings towards him .

( kavin i love you , you can't do this to me )

I hit the steering wheel hard and stopped the car as i cried my eyes out .

Headed back to the airport .
As i arrived and waited for the flight to be announced.

The passengers were all coming getting ready .

I so hate myself for being this late to know how i feel .

Thyme I'm so sorry , I should've known from the beginning but i was so blinded by girl to deny my feelings towards you .

I'm being selfish i know ,I'm a coward as well I shouldn't have listened to my parents and admitted everything.

There I remembered his smile , it was a bright broken smile then , i wish i can go back to it and fix everything.

My phone rang , it was gorya i ignored

(Dear passengers , please head to the plane , the flight will be leaving in five minutes)

Gorya called again as i dragged my luggage walking towards the aisle of the plane .

She kept calling me , finally i picked up.

"Kavin , help thyme !!! "
Her voice was shaking when she talked about him

"What happened to him??"

"He got into an accident!! "


End of chapter 14
Everything will get clear soon , i know you guys are expecting a happy ending and I promised that all my stories have a happy ending so please wait for the end .
Not the next one but in few chapters ahead .

See ya next chapter

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