Chapter 32

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Today's chapter will also be long- hope you enjoy 🌚🌚

Leggo :

Au pov

Kavin slowly opens his eyes feeling so exhausted , he wakes up stretching his body grabbing his head hissing

"Why do i have a strong headache?"

He looked aside and found thyme lying down wide awake spacing out .

What ? What happened? Why thyme is here? When did the party was over ? Urghhh my head is killing me !

He tries to speak but his voice was almost faded like he screamed for hours

"Th- ehm-thyme "
He said in a faded voice
Thyme heard his voice and turned towards him

"You're up babe?"
Thyme softly said and smiled

Before even kavin says anything he noticed thyme's face

He looked tired, didn't sleep at all his eyes are swollen

"What happened thyme ?"
Kavin asks

As he tried to get up thyme stopped him

"No, don't get up ! "
But kavin didn't listen and got up

"Fuck !!! "
He shouted in pain

"Baby don't move I'll get you anything you want ok? Take this pill you have a hangover "

Said thyme handing him a pill and a glass of water

"What? When did i get drunk?and why does my butt hurt?? What happened thyme tell me ? Please you're scaring me !!"

"I - well - it's uh-"

Thyme stutters, then kavin's phone cuts him off

When kavin stared at the message from his father that contained a video of last night's party .
When thyme pulled that girl's hair and kicked everyone out .

Kavin was surprised, his hand on his mouth in surprise- thyme on the other hand was trying to see he said whispering

"What's going on ?"
In a nervous tone

Kavin took his phone and placed it right infront of thyme's eyes

"Care to explain? What the fuck is this?"

Kavin said

Thyme's eyes becomes dark as he sees the video getting mad but holds back the feeling .

"Thyme !!! What the hell is this what have you done ?? You know that party was important to me !!! Why did you do all of this ? And why I can't remember all of that?"
Kavin shouted

"What the hell did you do ? Answer me!! Don't stay quiet!!"
He shouted again

"Before blaming it all on me you should ask yourself- what you did at the party and the way you hurt me ! Kavin i was hurt , fucking hurt !"
Thyme said in a broken voice , tears in his eyes were about to fall  pointing at his chest as if he was hurt inside .

"You're feelingless , you invited all your exs and stripper girls ? The fuck kavin the strippers !!! Why did you do it ? To hurt me ? Well your plan is working if so ! What am i to you huh? Are my feelings mean nothing to you? Is it a game to play ? "
Thyme loses his breath as he tries to breathe while crying his eyes out .

Kavin on the other hand was puzzled and surprised

"What are you talking about? You'd think I'd invite them ? Is this what you think of me ?"
Kavin asked in a hurt tone

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