Chapter 3

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Au pov

It was 7:30 in the morning kavin was getting ready to go to school , when the maid interpreted him

"Excuse me sir ?"
She knocked on the door

"Come in"

"You have a flower delivery "

Kavin smiled knew it was one of his girls sent it

"Who is it from ? "
He asked

"I don't know sir it didn't have any name on the card !"

He look at the card that says
(Hope you like it kv )

"Should i throw it away?"

"No it's fine you can put it in a vase , it must be from my girlfriend kaning "

"Alright sir "

He immediately took his phone and called kaning

She answered

"Thanks for the flowers they're really beautiful"

"What are you talking about kavin? What flowers ?"

"The ones you just sent !!!"

"I didn't send any flowers ! And you're happy that you got them? What do you take me ? Am i a joke to you ? Huh?"

"But babe i-"
She immediately hung up in his face

If she's not the one who sent it then who did ?
He felt bad , it wasn't her who sent it after all .

He went to school , saw the f4 gang talking and laughing as they usually do .

He came there with a sad face and sat down huffing and pouting

"What's up k ? You alright buddy?"
MJ asked as he put his arm around kavin's shoulders

Kavin put his head down and pouted

"Kaning ! She got mad at me because i thought she's the one who sent flowers "

Thyme tried to hold back not breaking into laughter then said

"So you're letting her control you ? Poor kavin his girlfriend controls him - awwww "

Thyme mocked him and smiled , yep he's the one who sent those flowers .

He just wanted to show him how much he love him wanted to show him how much he cares for him

Mj and ren are trying not to laugh as well , it's funny cuz he's a Casanova he can get a girl whenever he wants .

Kavin blushes and stutters in words

"I - do not - let her control me !!!"
He said in anger and left looking for kaning around school

He finally found her after a long search.

"Kaning hey "
She didn't reply and just huffed Putting her arms together clicking her heels on the floor waiting fir him to leave .

"Kaning babe let's talk about it !!"

"I'm not talking to you "
She said Then left

Thyme followed him then climb on his shoulder with his arm

"Awww it's alright she's gonna be ok later and talk to you , love equerries are usually like that"

Kavin knotted his eyebrow

" don't pretend to be caring i know you're happy and mocking me inside now "

"No I'm not !!"
He sarcastically said

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