Chapter 17

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Hello everyone , sorry for the late update we had eid ( eid mubarak by the way to all muslims )

Today's chapter will also be a flashback for thyme i hope you enjoy it .



Thyme pov

So today we were invited to a party of one of the guys in university.

So I decided to see kavin and tell him that he's invited as well.

But to he honest, I'm not going for this reason to him I'm going because i want to see him .

I really miss him , i wanna see him so bad .

Here i am at his house

"Where's kavin ?"
I asked the maids

"He's upstairs in his room taking a shower sir "

I went up to his room sat on his bed waiting for him to go out if the bathroom .

When he walked in few minutes later with only a towel wrapped around his waist, i blushed inside
He looked so damn hot , i mean look at his body and sculpted chest - god it's a piece of art .

I snapped after a second on his voice

"I called you but you didn't answer "
I said stuttering

"My phone isn't off tho "

"Anyway i came here to tell you about the party that talay's having"

"Is your girlfriend coming ?"
He asked as i smirked and laughed a short sarcastic laugh .

"Why would you care ?"

"I didn't say i care I'm just curious!"

"Yes , she's coming "

Is he getting jealous? Why is he asking about her ?
My cutie ...

Honestly I wanted him to come actually so i can do something to make him more jealous. Maybe that way he'd feel it .i don't know if all this effecting him or not but I'm trying to make moments to make him get jealous as much as possible.

Yet i want to have fun with him at the party i hate being alone there .

"Alright I'm coming "
So I ruffled his hairs and left

It felt great that he's coming , i was very happy that he also got a bit jealous.

Soon kavin , you will admit your feelings to me you know you love me but won't say it .

At the party

It's been an hour since me and gorya had arrived to the party i was bored as fuck .
The boys didn't come yet so i can get rid of her because she kept nagging me about ren like i know where he is now .

But then after a short while kavin arrived , he was eye catching looking so handsomely attractive with his suit .
Is he grabbing my attention like that with this kind of stuff?
Nah he always dresses up like this .
I don't think he meant to dress  like this  to get my attention

He came and sat down , his facial expressions had changed am i really making progress in making him jealous?

"Why don't you go and dance I'll stay here and wait ?"

He said , I didn't want to dance but he kept insisting on me that she wanted to dance .
Why would he ask this kind of stuff if it annoys him ? If he thinks that we should go and dance then it's on .

After we finished we got back and sat with him , but as soon ad gorya sat down he got up immediately.

Ok I wasn't trying to play hard and make him this much jealous I didn't mean to.

Talay called him out and he hurried there right away

Why is he standing with these idiots ?
They're just a bunch of fuck boys , he shouldn't be with them .

These assholes

I kept eyeing them , I don't want to keep a blind eye of them they're not safe to be with .

I didn't even blink for a second , keeping my anger inside .And kept asking myself why is he with them?
Why are they so close to him like this ?

I grinned my teeth and made a fist trying to hold back not to kick talay and those asshole's ass .

Suddenly this guy who came and pulled kavin's arm then hugged him , i felt the he wasn't comfortable with him touching his body like that.

Fuck i just wanted to hit him so bad and take my kavin away from these mother fuckers .

How dare he touch my kavin ? I just want to break his arm .

And what's wrong with you not standing up for yourself? Move his fucking hand away!!!

I had enough i went there pulled him as i put my hand on his shoulders

"Sorry but I'm taking my friend "
I said pulling his waist .

I didn't mean to yell at him , i was angry and barely holding my anger so I won't beat his ass and make a scene at the party .

As i talked to him he wasn't even listening to me , as if he's in another world.

"How can you let him touch you ?"
I yelled as i heard him just saying sorry .

This answer was nerve wreaking, you should stand for yourself you didn't do anything wrong, it's their fault not yours .

I felt burned inside , I decided to get a drink and chill instead of being angry.

I left him and got a drink , I can't stay with him when I'm angry i just can't control my feelings .

He came and sat beside me, I didn't want to hear a word from him because at this moment i was so damn angry at him .

So i kept drinking , i was drunk , i wished that i could hug him or kiss him right now .

I imagined of kissing him and hugging him all this time , i wish things would go back the way it was before all of this happened.

I miss him , i miss all of this old shit that we used to have .
True that i have to continue doing all this now but I can't help this feeling .I just want to be close to him

I suddenly felt drowsy , and felt my head leaning on someone's shoulder
I knew it was kavin , so i felt safe and comfortable as i fell asleep on his shoulder.

End of chapter 17

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