Chapter 34

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Kavin was putting on his clothes staring sat the mirror wondering what to wear .
'' i have to go to school today but will i meet thyme or walk in the hallways of the university ? Everyone now is gossiping about us ''
He took s a deep breath
'' it's ok keep confidant ''

He said to himself

Later on he left for school as he kept reminding himself to stay strong and that he can do this .
As he walks by hearing people whispering and gossiping about him and thyme but he could care less lifting his head up high like he could ever care about it , but inside of him is burning hell shaking in anger trying to control his anger and keeping it calm ..
He sat at the furthest point he could find away from them .

When he felt an arm placed on his shoulder ,he looks behind him and finds talay

''How have you been ?? I heard you came out as gay !!how about you have some fun at my house tonight ?''
Talay said to him whispering ,kavin's eyes widened as he looked at talay in the eyes talay adjusts kavin's paces then winks then leaves .

Kavin's  blood boiling inside  keeping it inside biting his lips as he felt his lips were hurting .

He turns around and found thyme just coming inthyme didn't notice kavin as kavin looked at him not able to control his yearning to thyme as his eyes were tearing up trying not to cry

Whys is this happening to us ?why can't i be with him and live in peace ??is it because of the bad thinngs i did i'm being punished like that ?

Kavin said then saw thyme's face
He looked exhausted and tired h, he looked like he lost alot of weight he's not eating well clearly yet he looked handsome , his eyes look down to thyme's body
Hiis black opened shirt showing his golden chain around his neck the black heels boots he's wearing
Kavin glups at the sight of thyme as he got flashbacks of what happened between him and thyme ,the heated night came back to him as thyme's oive rings in his ears his deep voice struck him like a lightning

''It's daddy for you baby !!''

Ad his voice begging for more

Kavin slapped his forehead embarrassed

Did i really do this ? When?oh god why is this so embarrassing?
He bit his lip and felt his lip was bleeding he decided to go to the men's room to clean it.

Meanwhile thyme notices kavin's back he tried to follow him but he heard some guy talking about kavin

'' is he really gay ?he changed because of thyme >he literally slept with al the girls in school and then he comes out as gay ? What the hell?"
Thyme's blood was boiling hearing all of these bullshits about his man .
He pulled this guy's head from his hair

"How dare you bring kavin's name on your filthy mouth ??''
Thyme punched him in the face causing him to fall over-and roll  as the students gasp .

Thyme roughly steps on the boy's stomach
''If you ever bing his name agin you'll never be able to go to this uni again , and this is to everyone not only you , don't ever think of laying-an eye on him ''

He stormed from the cafeteria as he asked some boy if he saw kavin
The boy told him that kavin went to the rest room .
He rushed to the restroom slamming the door finding kavin washing his mouth and their eyes met .
After a moment of silence thyme approached and closed the door

"What are you doing here?"
Kavin asked

Thyme chuckled
'' ask yourself ''

Then continues
"So it's a break huh?"a break kavin?"
He said softly holding lots of yearning in his tone.
Kavin couldn't look him in the eye and kept quiet nervously.

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