Chapter 19

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So the flashback has ended here and we're now in the present time .

Au pov

"What ! You did all of this ?"

Kavin says in surprise and anger as he sat down beside thyme on the hospital couch .

Thyme adjusted his posture

"I did do that , but i had to do it ! "
Kavin looked at him in disbelief giving him this horrifying look

"You made me suffer thyme , are you out of your mind ???"

Thyme just put his head down pouting sadly , kavin wasn't feeling his pain

"Do I deserve all that's happened? What did i do to you ? "

Thyme lifts his head up then says
"And do I deserve this??"

He looked at him with tearful eyes which made kavin suck it and sat down again.

"I spent to years kavin, you were doing all of this to me through all these years yet you knew that i like you , you hurt me alot i bared it all i was in pain because of you yet i smiled infront of you
I spend my night crying and i wake up thinking of you and call you first thing ao you won't be late for school
It feels like a knife stabbed my chest when i talk to you , i try to be as normal as i can like nothing happened "

He said then in a low broken voice
"Do I deserve all of this ? True i hurt you alot lately because i did all of this but you know i had to , i had no other choice "

Thyme wiped his tears away as he felt kavin hugging him , he hugged him back as he sniffed his nape

As he digs his face into kavin's chest

"I love you so much and I didn't want to hurt you but i had to , but i felt bad for doing this to you i wanted to give up , I'm sorry"
Softly said in a baby voice

"Shshsh , alright enough don't apologize anymore, I'm the one who should apologize not you I didn't know i hurt you that much i feel disgusted by myself for doing this "

Thyme gasped as he pushed kavin away holding his shoulders

"Don't you dare to say this again, you did nothing wrong and what happened has already happened it's past now , most importantly that we're together now "

Ruffling kavin's hair as he slid his hand down to his cheek , his eyes go straight to kavin's lips while his fingers slide to his lips bitting his own .

"You can make it up to me , all these days that i have been in pain in "

Kavin got confused


"You know , make it up woth something you know i like "

Kavin thought throughly then said

"Ah - cookies you like cookies you want me to buy you cookies ?"

Thyme rolled his eyes putting his head back

"Kavin seriously, I didn't know you're slow witted like that i meant i could eat something else, you got it ?"

" arghh thyme just say it stop playing riddles with me "

"Kiss me you idiot!!!"
He shouted

"You should said so from the beginning that you want a kiss !"

He leaned towards him and kissed him, but thyme pulled him closer grabbing kavin's hair as their wet lips kiss passionately.

The kiss becomes more heated as thyme sticks his tongue out wanting his man to open his lips for entrance .
The younger responded and opened his mouth sharing saliva when thyme pushed him back to the couch ( he got excited) their lips move as kavin releasing few soft moans during the kiss .

Slowly going down to kavin's neck nibbling his collarbone touching him as kavin melts in these touches he slides his hand under kavin's shirt .

The younger boy gasps as he pushes him away Grabbing his arm .

"Sorry , i took it too far ! "

Kavin stays in shock as thyme keeps apologizing

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to take it this far but i got carried away and got excited "

Kavin bursts in laughter because he saw thyme shaking and nervous.

"Hoyyy , don't laugh you freaked the hell out of me ! I thought you were mad at me !"

Kavin was still laughing till his face gets red then suddenly his smile fades away after seeing thyme's expressions changing .

he turned to the other way putting his hands together sulking .

"Aww don't be mad ! I didn't mean to laugh, but I'm not ready for it yet let's just take it slowly "

Kavin couldn't see thyme pouting like that he clinched his teeth and pulled thyme for another kiss it was as passionate as the first one

Kavin puts his arms around thyme's shoulders as thyme grabs his waist pulling him closer which caused the younger man to release a soft gasp and moan.

Then something flashed in thyme's mind breaking the kiss .

"Were you leaving the country?"
Kavin's eyes drop on the floor unable to look back at thyme

Looking left and right avoiding his eyes

"Yeah I was , but i missed the flight anyway "

"You easily let me go like that? You know how i felt when you said that i won? I won your heart then you said everything's over because it was too late ? I didn't even know how to exactly feel do i feel happy because you said my dream has come true or sad because you gave up on me so easily?"

"What did you want me to do huh? I'm not that type you know , when i see two people in love how can i stand in the way of their happiness? "

"You could've fight for me at least you could ask me if i had some feelings for you !"


He shouted in frustration, thyme was shocked what's making him angry and frustrated like that? He has to know .

"Kavin , is there something i should know??"

"Hey ! Are you done already?? They will kick us out of the hospital we rented the room for two hours you took three hours !!"

Mj barges in

"Pay them more "
Thyme says

"We tried , what do you want us to do ? They said they want the room?"

Ren said , as gorya behind ren smiles at kavin , their eyes met but kavin put his head down spacing out not paying attention to what they're saying .

"There's-no need , I'm going home"

Kavin stood for few seconds then left the room leaving everyone confused.

End of chapter 20

What do you think happened to kavin?

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