Chapter 25

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Kavin was fidgeting his fingers ad his parents walked in he was nervous when they sat down .

His father called him in , he stands a bit further than them

"Come sit "
His father says

As he sits also a chair further nervously

"Why didn't you come to the US ? Weren't you supposed to come ? "
The father asked

" i had some work to do "
Kavin lowered his gaze to the floor .

The young man flinches when his father slams his hand on the table

"What mind of work that made you skip coming to us ? Bet it's a ridiculous thing, you were supposed to come there to learn work and live there with us . We made the whole plan but you ruined it , you know how much profits have i lost during these past few months because of you ? Because of you the company had no ceo ! Until I hardly found one who i can trust to manage it - you're useless kavin"

The older man stands infront of kavin grabbing his collar pulling him up as he looks into his eyes

"Tell me , what's your excuse huh? I want to hear it , so i can know when will you stop this and become an adult person -"
The father suddenly stops talking as he spots something.

His eyes widened and drops kavin off his hand

"What's this on your neck?? "
He said in a scary tone as the mother comes closer to see it .

Kavin shakes of fear and remembers what happened the night before.

"Fuck the hickey "
He said in his head

"No- it's nothing just a bug bite "
He stutters

His father laughs away and gets serious

"Hah you're really gonna use this excuse to pull it off on me ? Who did you bring here? You're grounded and i did not tell you to bring anyone here on the other hand i was doing my best to make up for the lost you did to me by having fun here !!"

Kavin couldn't even say a word he was lost for words shaking and stuttering .

"You're not talking huh? Okay"
The father said

He pushes kavin away which caused him to fall on the table behind him

"Get the security"

"No dad please not the security, I'll tell you , it's just a friend who was here nobody else trust me "

As he hugs his father's leg begging him his father pushed him away causing him to roll on the floor .

The father leaves to ask the guards outside

"Who came here ? "

The guard gets nervous but he didn't know what was happening so he replied

"It was mr thyme sir, only thyme comes here often "

"Thyme ? How ? I don't understand!"

The father says in confusion

As he comes back to kavin

"The guard says thyme was here? What does he mean by that ? Are you playing me ? You told the guard to tell me it was thyme the whole time? Want me to fire him and make his family and kids suffer after i paid their school tuition??"

Kavin thought that eventually him and thyme are gonna have to face this anyway .
And he should stop being a coward and say what he wants what did the guard do he's been good in work for such a long time

Kavin took a deep breath before breaking the news to his father

"Me and thyme .......are together"

The mother gasps and his father freezes in shock then walks towards kavin

"Come again ! I'm sure i heard it wrong "
His voice was literally scary saying those words .

Kavin looks him in the eyes

"No , you didn't hear wrong - I'm gay and thyme is my boyfriend "

Before even kavin finishes his sentence his father punched him in the face causing him to fall over on the floor as blood drip's from his mouth .

"You disgusting piece of shit , you're not my son !!! You just fucking die - you don't deserve this treatment from me I didn't raise you like this did i ????"
The father shouted as loud as he could .

Hitting kavin with his feet on the chest and back and the stomach cursing his own son .

The mom only cries watching her son get beaten up by her husband but she can't do anything

"Why did you do this kavin why?????"
She said

The old maid watches him feeling bad about what's happening as she watched him pass out on the floor .

"Stop it !!! He's gonna die in your hands honey please stop it "

The mother said when his father stops and leaves telling the guards and the security with the maids to clear everything that kavin has from the phone to his bank account .

"Bring everything to my office by the end of the day even his car keys and the house keys if you don't do this by the end of the day you're all fired "
The father firmly said

At the time the maids and guards take kavin to his room as the father firmly said to lock him up in his room and not allow him to leave his room or the house .

As the maid sits there crying treating kavin's wounds scared that he got hurt .
His face was swollen coughing blood .

When the mother comes and talks behind the door .

"Why did you do this son? What did we do so wrong makes you end up like that?"
She cries then leaves letting him rest.

Kavin moans of pain in his sleep as the head maid covers him after wiping her tears .
Placing the first aid kit on the table then stands up .

She opened the window looking through it then looks at the poor boy who was lying there unconscious.

Poor kavin, what did he do so wrong to deserve all of this?
He only loved a person and caused all this trouble just to be with him .

End of chapter 25

Today's chapter was filled with sadness and disappointment
How will thyme and kavin solve this problem?

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